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     "AHH who ate my-" Laruen loudly began.

"Can we just not do the whole bitch thing this morning?" Becca asked Lauren as Lauren opened her mouth to retort.

"What bitch thing?" Jill asked as she made herself some avocado toast.

"Language." Katie said and Jill stared at her confused.

"Language?" Joslin questioned pulling on a sweater, since when was it cold in California? She thought as she made her way through the herd of women making their breakfast.

"Sorry, force of habit. In school if a student swears they gets points taken away and... yeah it's just hard to turn off teacher mode." Katie blushed as she mixed her oatmeal.

"Hey does anyone want to go shopping today? We can do that right? Leave and shop and come back?" Keralie questioned. The girls didn't actually know if that was allowed or not. Joslin snuck out unseen for the most part fairly frequently, but she wasn't going to say that.

"I don't see why not." Tia chimed in, "I'm in need of a pedicure, and a manicure for that matter."

"Perfect we will have a girl's day!" Abby said enthusiastically.

"But can we leave? Or am I going to be kicked out for breaking rules?" Keralie asked again.

"They can't kick us all out," Joslin offered and smeared some peanut butter on her toast. "I mean they could..." Joslin considered. "But if would be highly unlikely for them to kick the majority of us out for trying to look nice for Leo." Joslin looked at one of the producers, Axel, behind the cameras and he smirked. He was cute, he was Joslin's type, not bulging muscles, tall, nerd kind of cute, longer dark brown hair...

"Yeah I can arrange something," Axel said. Axel was happy in his relationship but then his now ex cheated on him and some days, some days he wished that he got to be the guy that everyone looked at with admiration. Like how Joslin looked at him right then.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Date cards!" Sasha squalled and ran to the door.

"Gather round children, gather round." Katie said embracing her teacher behaviors.

"Joslin, you think this week you will get the one on one?" Katie asked as she sat down next to Joslin on the couch.

"No," Joslin said with a laugh, than thought better of it. "I mean, I like him but I don't think he likes me enough to spend a one on one..." she needed to stop being so... well not in love. "I mean it would be great and I would love to-" luckily Sasha silenced her.

"Hu-humm." She said clearing her throat. "Here we go..." she opened the letter carefully and silently prayed her name wasn't on it. She wanted a one on one, she needed to be closer to show him that she was worth keeping, not her sister.

'Abby, Becca, Daneel, Mirabella and Keralie

Don't be so wine-y


"Get it wine like the drink with a Y at the end." Sasha said passing the note around to the chosen girls.

"No fair you get to get drunk with him!" Lauren called out, already whining.

"I said don't do the bi..." Becca looked to Katie who had a smug don't swear look on her face. "Bi-yatch thing today."

"Easy for you to say you got a date." Lauren replied bitterly. "Whatever, I'm probably getting a one on one." Lauren laughed, her defense for her insecurities was her attitude. She watched the camera follow her, she was going to be the crazy one people hated. Leo would see how she acted, how she treated the other girls and if he did pick her. "Sorry, you know I'm joking. I think Joslin's gonna get the one on one." Lauren tried to get the attention off of her, Joslin hated how everyone wanted her and Leo together. This is a competition Joslin wanted to yell, stop pushing us together.

Bachelor's wing woman (Book1)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum