Chapter 75 • Explanation

Start from the beginning

My mom swallowed hard as she sighed.

"I've been sick for a while..."

My heart dropped as my grip on George's hand loosened. Courtney gasped.

"What?? Why didn't you tell us?? We could've helped you sooner—"

"You two are adults...I wanted you to live your lives instead of worrying about mine..."

"Mom...what you have is treatable...right?" I clenched my jaw.

"I'm sorry..." she frowned as tears formed her eyes, "I don't think I have much time left..."

I felt my world collapse as it became harder to breathe.

"Y—you're giving up??" I snapped.

"I've done everything I can dear...this is my time...I've learned to accept it..."

"Well I won't. I can't—you—" My breathing quickened as I barely felt George squeeze my hand, "You..."

My eyes fluttered as I felt myself about to explode in tears. I shook my head as I detached mine and George's hands, running out of there.

I didn't make it far before George grabbed my wrist, stopping me. Once he did, I held him tightly as I let out my sobs, burying my eyes on his shoulder.

I patted his back lightly as I held him tightly.

"I'm here, I'm here..." I whispered.

Now it explained why I never met Dream's parents. I knew he had issues with his dad since he wasn't in the picture but I always hoped I could meet his mom. She always seemed so loving and nurturing.

This isn't the way I wanted us to meet though. Especially since it's causing Dream so much pain that I couldn't take away.

"This is how he must've felt about Hunter. How he couldn't protect me, how he felt so powerless to help me. No wonder why me leaving made such a big dent in his life." I thought.

"But I'm here now. I'm never leaving him again."

After his cries died down, the two of us sat in the waiting room chairs, holding hands as he leaned his head on my shoulder. I moved my thumb around in small circles on his.

Suddenly, an older man wearing a bow-tie walked up to us with a face of disgust.

"Why're you two men holding hands??"

"Cause we can."

"It's unnatural and disgusting." He cringed.

"So is your 2 inch dick. Now leave us the fuck alone." I snapped.

His eyes widened slightly as he shook his head, leaving through the front entrance. Dream lightly smiled as he sniffled.

"Ignore that idiot. He's worthless."

"2 inch." He huffed out a smile.

"That was being generous. His 2 inch is probably a vagina cause it's so small." I joked which made Dream wheeze.

I smiled hearing his laugh I missed so much. That didn't last for long since he sighed.

"This isn't how I wanted you to meet her..." he messed with my fingers.

"Me either...but I love her already." I smiled while looking down at him.

He tilted his head up as he met my eyes, immediately smiling with tears in his eyes.

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