(33) First Day Jitters

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"I'm awkward, ok?! Stop judging me."

"Oh, we're going to get along great

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"Oh, we're going to get along great."

 The first day of school. Daisy stands before the building, her hands on the arms of her bag, waiting for some signal to walk in. She is not particularly nervous or new to the idea of starting anew, but her heart flutters dangerously in her chest.


She gasps and jumps aside at the voice. It takes her eyes a moment to focus behind her now crooked glasses. Pushing them flat against her temple, she clears her throat and lets out a slow breath. "You scared me."

Justin furrows his brows as he tries to hide a smile. "I've been standing here for a few seconds. I said your name, like, twice."

"Oh." Daisy purses her lips. "Sorry, I zone out sometimes."

"Happens to the best of us." He shrugs and glances around the courtyard. "You want a guide? I can walk you in. Maybe to your first class?"

"That'd be wonderful, thank you." She takes his extended arm with a laugh. "I don't know why I'm like this. It's not like I haven't done this before. Just feels different for some reason."

His muscles tense beneath her hands before he opens the door and they walk in. Some students glance their way—she swears at least three cheerleaders and a football player practically swoon at Justin's smile before glaring at her—but they remain mostly unnoticed.

"So, I know you met Julie, but I thought I'd introduce you to some of my other friends," Justin says. "Nick's gone AWOL recently, but there's Carrie."

"Sure, yeah," Daisy nods. "Friends are good. Anything to not feel alone."

She catches Justin looking down at her before he plasters that subdued smile back on his lips and drags her down the hall. "Hey, Carrie!"

A girl closes her locker and grins, waving a hand. "Justin! Hey! Who's this?"

Daisy's mouth goes dry. The girl moves effortlessly, perfect hair swaying on her shoulders with a perfectly matched outfit, almost as if she were a work of art. The girl nods along to whatever Justin says, but Daisy is practically transfixed. The words are meaningless compared to the trance Daisy is in.

Why did she choose to wear this today? Just a stupid math joke on her sweater—the letter pi copied many times until it is an octopi—and a bland shirt beneath. Oh, but she had taken off the sweater, so that's hidden, but her shirt is still just plain green. The girl before her is wearing vibrant pink and red, but Daisy is a mush of green and denim blues. And her hair! Why hadn't she chosen contacts today, and—

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