(15) To The Courthouse We Go

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"He's not jealous. Wait, really?"

 Wait, really?"

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"WELL, well, well," Justin smirks as he and Julie arrive at her house. "Someone was very chatty today."

"Watch it," she snaps with a playful glare. "Nick and I are just dance partners."

"Right, and Jess isn't crushing on Reggie."

She shoves his shoulder as she steps out of the car. "Well, she's not the only one."

"Wait, you like Reggie too? I was getting Luke vibes," Justin replies as he swings his bag over his shoulder.

"Not me, idiot. You and Alex."

Justin pauses while Julie keeps walking. It takes her a second to realize he stopped. "Um, excuse you. Maybe a small attraction at first, but he and I? Pfft. Nope." He hates the blush gracing his cheeks.

Julie smirks at him. "I totally believe you," she says with a sarcastic nod.

"You should because it's true!" Justin calls after her as she continues making her way to the garage. "Look, all jokes aside, you should hear them out when you're ready."

"I'll never be ready," she mutters as they make it to the studio only to see the doors wide open, revealing the three ghost boys.

    "We're sorry!" Reggie sings, holding his hands out.

Alex jumps out from behind Luke, singing, "So sorry." Justin covers his mouth with his hand to hold in his laughter though Julie seems less than impressed.

    "We're super-duper, crazy, stupid..." Luke kneels on the ground with his arms spread wide.

    "Sorry!" They all sing with smiles on their faces and jazz hands.

Reggie pants happily. "In case you missed it, we're really sorry."

"Yeah...I got that part," Julie deadpans.

Justin nudges her before he starts openly chuckling. "That was...something," he says, his gaze drifting to the blond. "I wish I caught it on video."

"We've been here for, like, three hours," Alex explains, high fiving Reggie without looking.

Luke nods as he gets up from his knees. "We almost sang to your little brother."

"He comes in here a lot," Reggie says. "Mainly to use the bathroom."

With a nod, Alex adds, "Yeah, it's not our favorite part of the day."

"But, Julie, it wasn't ok that we flaked on the dance last night. We know we let you down," Luke says. Justin can see the truth in his eyes, but he can also see the anger in Julie's.

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