(17) Clubbing At The Club

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"Nice logo."


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"Thanks. I drew it myself."

     JESS and Justin walk together through Hollywood as they make their way to the venue for tonight's performance. Justin has a headphone in his ear while Jess just walks along next to him in silence, her dead heart thumping against her ribcage. "I showed the boys my art trick," she says.

     It must have startled him because Justin trips over his foot. "Really?" He asks once he stabilizes himself. "That's a big step."

     "I trust them," she says confidently. "They may be stupid boys, but, I don't know, maybe I was stupid."

     "I mean, it's up to you," Justin replies as they turn onto the right street. She can see the place down the block with people swarming the entrance. "I just...I didn't realize you were ready to show them."

     "Apparently one of my butterflies got them to the dance." She shoves her hands in her pockets with a frown. "Too late but still."

     Justin stops just shy of the crowded entrance and turns to her. "Are you ok?" He asks seriously.

     Taking a deep breath, Jess looks around nervously. "It's gonna happen again soon," she says quietly. "Soon, like this week, soon." Without realizing it, she reaches her right hand over to hold her left arm as she shrugs. "I just...Can you cover for me when it happens? I don't really want them to know."

     Justin sighs and pulls her towards the brick wall. "You trust them with your art magic. Why don't you want them to know about this?"

     Shaking her head, she says, "I don't understand that. This is something I do understand. Plus, I get mean. I don't want to scare them off. I mean, they are literally my idols, and I'm finally sort of comfortable around them. They're normal ghosts like me, right? I just...this isn't something I'm sure I want to share yet."

     He takes a moment before he nods. "You'll let me know if you need anything?"

     "Of course."

     "Ok." He offers his arm, and she links her right hand through the space. "Let's go watch a concert, shall we?"

     "We shall." She does her best to grin as they walk into the venue to see it completely packed. A group is already performing on stage, but it isn't long before Justin and Jess see Julie and Flynn in the audience.

Whenever I walk in the room
All the focus on me
The way I talk, the way I move
They all want on my team

     Jess watches Dirty Candy's performance with a grin. "Nice choreo, Justin!" She says, patting his back as the boys poof behind them. "Guys, look at what Justin made."

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