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Unexpected visitors

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Unexpected visitors

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Bruised and scratches filled Naruto's body, this idiot. I was now holding on to his figure as he exhaled an exhausted sigh, "Naruto you overdid it." exchanging his look towards me instead of Sakura, he let out another huff of annoyance, "I'M PERFECTLY FINE Y/N BELIEVE IT!" He began yelling with a slightly cocky attitude, I winced as he was now yelling in my ear. I'll throw him towards the roof if he does that again, I laid my hand against the ear I was now hearing a ringing tone to.

"You're a real nuisance" Sasuke bluntly spat directing his look to Naruto and glaring daggers at him, flinching at this the whiskered boy also looked at him with irritation with his fist balled up ready to take action "THAT DOES IT SASUKE" getting out of Sakura's grasp and mine he was now heading towards Sasuke although he was suddenly stopped by Sakura, why does she defend Sasuke? I'll do it myself then! Sakura was yelling at Naruto when I went up to Sasuke. Gripping the collar of his shirt tightly while raising him higher so he could measure to my height, I had a scowled look on my face while he held the same one "Listen Uchiha just because you're the greatest doesn't mean you can degrade other people," A smirk had filled his lips, he slapped my hand away from him resulting on him falling back to his original height "So you're admitting I am better." Is that the only thing he got out of that sentence? A sigh now had escaped my lips, I continued to roll my eyes and turned around to see everybody viewing the scene as if we were in some drama show.

"Sasuke are you ok?" Sakura had run towards him without a look towards me, what's going on? She would never put him before me. Looking at the sight in front she was now trying to fix the collar of his shirt but Sasuke resisted of course- looking back Kakashi had now disappeared while Naruto held a jealous and furious look, he likes Sakura...watching Sasuke's figure now retreating I had noticed Sakura chase after him, "Hey Sasuke wait up! I was wondering if we could you know, you and I...could work together on our teamwork?" Sakura was now being all lovey with Sasuke while a thick coat of blush covered her face.

"You're just as bad as Naruto, why waste your time when you should be practicing? Even his skills are better than yours," I was now in a state of shock watching this all play out, he had taken a last glance at me and fled without any other word leaving Sakura to stand alone. I know she is doubting herself now, and even if she went with Sasuke first I will always support her, walking up to her and laying my hand firm on her shoulder trying to comfort her, "Don't listen to him, you're trying your best that's all that matters." She had turned her head towards me with her eyes holding a glossy look, her emerald eyes were in contact with mine a small smile shifted its placed on her lips as she heard what I confessed, light blush covered her cheeks as they felt like they were heating up looking down at her I gave her close eyes smile.

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