Chapter - 41

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"Kill him, brother

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"Kill him, brother."

"On it, brother, I need backup, danger! Danger!"

Casey and I were standing at the main door of Vian's and Casey's house holding numerous bags as we came back from shopping- only to stand with our jaw dropped on the ground, hearing Vian and Xav shouting on a video game.

The look on Vian's face took me by surprise. The guy was living a thousand emotions every millisecond, whereas a few months back he was just an expressionless face guy.

Xav, on the other hand, widened his eyes on the screen, thinking that it could make the opponent kill by just his gaze while chewing on the snacks slowly like he had forgotten everything.

And here I was with one of the coolest badass person I have known, Casey, who became my savior and took me shopping.

Sometimes I wonder if she had more energy to move and walk so effortlessly, or I was the one who got tired quickly because man hats off to her willpower.

At this point, I don't think we need answers to that. Because, well, it's clear as crystal being polished twice. Or maybe thrice for more clarity.

*Game Over*, the sign flashed before their eyes, and they practically threw themselves on the couch hugging each other in fake tears as they had won the game.

Xav squeezed his eyes shut while literally scratching Vian's back with his nails and Vian did the same.

Casey and I made eye contact and burst down into a fit of laughter, seeing them bond like real brothers since birth.

"We're back!" Casey announced, a huge grin on her face, making them break their hug.

Xav jumped off the couch immediately and hugged Casey, swinging her like a pendulum in the hug, and ruffled my hair as soon as he got the chance.

"What the-" Irritated, I was about to take my revenge on him when a pair of hands held my waist from the back. I sighed. It felt like my nerves got shut down as his touch sent sparkles to my whole body.

Even it was the zenith touch of his, but it felt sparklingly different every freaking time. I know I am exaggerating this feeling but honestly, goosebumps were on my skin, my heart had jumped crazily like it was on a trampoline.

It was love as, despite the sparkles, tingles, goosebumps, another feeling was there. The feeling of ease and comfortableness that I found in his embrace. The feeling of... peace.

"Hello, love," Vian whispered against my ear. His voice, this soothing calm voice was music to my ears except for the times when we fought on some minor things because hell, he became a crybaby for small things.

"You must be tired, here, give me the bags and freshen up, I will prepare your favorite pasta," he said and took the bags from my hands as well as from Casey's and put them in the living room.

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