Chapter - 7

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I glanced at her sleeping figure drooling a little; such a sleepyhead she is, I thought to myself.

She is so childish sometimes but that's the thing I like the most about her. I don't know, it's just that I am used to it. At times she is the cutest or even a weirdo but oh Lord piss her off once she's gonna show her real self. She tries to calm herself down but once she's at the edge there's no going back for her. I honestly am a little afraid of her but thankfully she is always calm whenever she is around me.

I met her in high school for the first time. She was so annoying; like get the hell out of here vibes. But everything just got clicked with her as time passed by.

She was more into studies but she could
ace any extra curricular with ease. Yeah she's not dumb, I agree.

Our first interaction was when I lost against her in basketball. The way she dribbled the ball and shooted left me in shock. I was kinda pissed but with the passage of time we became good friends, rather best friends.

I was not in good terms with my family so  most of the time I spent was at her house. I could happily give the 'best mom in the world' tag to Aunt Bella. She never let me felt that I was not her kid. We knew what was awaiting for us; it was time to apply for college. I wanted mine to be same as Jo's because I didn't want to separate from her. Maybe it sounded cliché but being her best friend I cared for her, a lot.

She seemed to be all happy, playful all the time in front of everyone but I knew how hurt and scared she was on the inside.


"Thank you and have a nice day, sir!" the woman behind the counter spoke.
"You too," I replied with a smile and took the box of cheesecake from her hand.
One of the ways to cheer Jo's mood is cheesecake. I felt that day, Jo was upset. It somehow clicked me that she was not in a good mood so I planned a surprise visit to her home. Rather a normal visit with her favorite cuisine on plate.


I parked my car in the garage which meant that Aunt Bella was off to work.

Ding Dong!

Nobody answered the door. I called her but she didn't pick up.

Ding Dong!
I knocked on the door and shouted for her name.

"Jo, are you there?" I asked again but no voice could be heard from the other side.
Maybe she was out, I thought and was about to leave until I heard a loud thud.

Something was not right.
"Hey! Josephine, open up the damn door. Are you there? Are you okay?" I asked worriedly not thinking of what the passersby would think of me.

The main door was opened by her nonchalantly rubbing her eyes. What a freak!

"Why in the hell were you not opening the damn door? Why were you not answering my calls? I was so worried!!" I lashed out at her.

"I am so sorry, I was sleeping and-and I woke up abrubtly and then I fell down--"

"Yeah okay, fine sleepyhead!"

"What in the world did you just call me you little creature? HUH!?"

Well that's how they got their nicknames.

"Is it the scent of cheesecake?" She asked in a baby voice.

"Wow, you have got strong sense of smell, sleepyhead."

"Just stop being a bitch, will you?" She retorted. No more acting cute!?

"Shall we watch a movie or something?" I asked.

"Fine, which one?"

"You choose."

"Harry potter?"


We both sat down on the couch with the snacks and drinks in our hands. After sometime, I heard faint sobs. Wait what? Why was she crying?

"Hey! What happened?" I asked her politely.

"Ah- nothing, there was this thing that got into my eye--" she tried to put up the stupidest excuse.

"Jo?" I eyed her with arched eyebrows.


That single word was enough for me to understand why she was crying. She started crying hard and I knew her pain. I could feel her pain and let her cry to take it all out.

Her dad left Aunt Bella and Jo, few years back with a note to not look for him. We never got to know where he went even after the police searched for him. She was broken. She didn't talk with anyone for months.

After sometime when everything was becoming quite normal, she acted like she didn't care but I knew she was hurt because she loved him more than anything.

I broke the hug and took out the cheesecake for her. Well thank God I brought it that day. She couldn't control her laugh after my bunny dance and well her favourite cheesecake.

Well, that was planned in our destiny.



Hey 🦋,
Sorry for the late update!
So the chapter was Xavier's point of view and a little flashback into their lives.

Thank you so much for your love and support to this book!
Much love

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