Chapter - 13

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After my unnecessary banter with Xav and fighting off with my sleep to keep my eyelids open for the lecture, finally, it was the time to take a rest and wander wherever I wanted.

While I lifted my backpack and got ready to move out of the classroom door, Xav and others glanced at me with sobbing eyes. Such overbearing actors they all are.

Xav and Mark went their way for their lecture in law with heavy eyelids while Kia and Abby stayed for their major one.

I took the opportunity to slide my way for the open air to witness the intrepid sun in the cold weather.

I took slow steps walking in my world towards the lawn which was connected to the field without any fence where all the sportsperson were there to show cast off their skills.

My eyes landed on Mr. Water-- no I guess, his name's more prudent to take, Vian.

He was sitting on one of the last benches with a novel in his hands. He was deeply involved in it like he was living it.

Well, I do that too so no offense. But I tend to give series of expressions while reading one, but his face was just...blank.

Maybe it's my oversensitive personality. Not that I complain. I was not sure whether I should talk to him again or not. My last experience with him was not- let's say, well. But I wanted my answers.

Puzzling with these juxtaposed thoughts I wasn't thinking straight. And suddenly a hand grabbed my right shoulder from the front and turned me around, my back so close to someone that I could hear him breathing so loud.

I turned around to see Vian was holding a football in his other hand which was just at the same length from the ground towards my face.

Gosh, he saved me, if it was you I would have got a serious concussion.

Well yeah sorry I didn't see it.

He removed his hand at a glance from my shoulder I didn't know was there at that time too and returned the ball to the players.

"Ah- I am sorry for- you know- I turned you around like that. But please be careful, you could have got hurt or -you know- sorry," he stuttered not making eye contact.

Bitch it's her fault for not being in her senses, why are you apologizing?

"It's my fault, I was not paying attention," I tried to process why was he apologizing when I should be the one thanking him. But I had something more important to ask at that time.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked to hope for a positive reply and he nodded once.

"I think- I think that I have seen you somewhere. But I can't recall where. Do you have any idea?" I asked gathering up all my confidence.

"Honestly, I don't recall seeing you anywhere except the other night you went all crazy. Now will you please excuse me?" he kind of snapped at me and left immediately.

"Huh!? Wait-"
Before I could thank him for saving me from that spherical object which tried to hit my face, he was long gone.

Spherical object? That's a football girl. Don't say that in front of anyone. You're going to embarrass me without even knowing of it. Dumb!


It was lunchtime and we all were sitting in the cafeteria. Abby was busy on the phone chatting with someone mysterious and giggled in between the continuous thumping of her thumbs on the phone.

Kia and Mark were all lovey-dovey, nor did they care about someone is around them.

"Hey, are you hurt somewhere? I heard from Jack, football player," Xavier asked with a concerned look on his face.

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