45. Tricks

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'Are you okay my dear?' Mr

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'Are you okay my dear?' Mr. Lee asked one night during dinner. It had been a while since your dinner with your father. When he had asked how it had gone, you had simply answered "Fine" and not said anything else. Mr. Lee, apparently sensing you didn't really want to talk about it, didn't ask any further.

'Yeah, I'm just a bit tired because of all the preparations for the grand opening. Don't worry about it,' you smiled at him. Although this was true, it wasn't the whole truth. Your father's words about your relationship with Mr. Lee had gotten to you and you couldn't get his pesky words out of your mind. You had tried not to think about it, not to let it get to you, but his words had burned themselves into your brain, dismantling your confidence bit by bit.

'I understand, you have been working hard lately,' Mr. Lee said, his hand stroking your head for a moment, making you feel all warm inside. 'I guess we've both been quite busy lately. And I have another night appointment tonight,' Mr. Lee sighed.

'That's okay, I'll manage,' you assured him, feeling disappointed on the inside.

'I know you will my dear' Mr. Lee smirked, 'You always manage, that's not what I'm worried about. It's just that I miss you,' he sighed.

You looked up at him. He missed you. He did miss you. Just like you missed him.

You knew very well that he had said this many times before. You knew that he enjoyed spending time with you. You knew how possessive he was over you. He still checked in with you every hour, either calling or texting you.

Before, you never doubted his loyalty to you. You were his and he was yours. You had confidence that he would take good care of you, love you the way you needed it.

But now, you doubted everything. You felt like you needed constant affirmation that he really did care for you. That he really did want to be with you. That you were more than just his property that he took in a feud, as everybody thought you were.

Never before had you cared what the outsiders thought about your relationship. You had always thought it exciting even. But now...
What if their thoughts were the truth? And yours were the ones that weren't the full picture?

You had been laying in bed, tossing and turning for hours now. It was around midnight but you simply could not sleep. Even though Mr. Lee had hugged and kissed you goodbye before he had left for his nightly appointment you still didn't feel confident. You felt anxious and had been debating to simply crawl into his bed tonight and sleep or wait for him there.

But what if he didn't like that? He had said he wanted to wait until you were ready. The only thing was, you were ready but was he?
What if you'd wake up to him telling you to go back to your own bed because he couldn't sleep with you there? Or worse, what if he'd curse at you? Saying he didn't want you there at all?

Mr. LeeWhere stories live. Discover now