35. Rembrandt 🔥

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You had set your mind on it. Nothing could sway you anymore even though you knew it could be dangerous. Very dangerous.

You knew Mr. Lee was into some kinky stuff. He had shown you himself quite a few times now already. And so far, every time you had loved every single piece of it.

But you knew he was holding back. Afraid he would go too far or hurt you.

You had set your mind to it. You wanted to get to the bottom of all of his kinks. Experience them all with him. Wanted him to show you, teach you.

You needed him to teach you. 

It wasn't fair that he was able to make you wet your panties with just a few words or a bat of his eyelashes. You wanted to be able to do the same to him. And not just by making him jealous or angry.

You wanted to know him. Really know him. Know his deepest and darkest desires...

Breathing nervously, you were waiting on his bed. After dinner, you had told him you would take a quick shower. You had, but you hadn't gone back down afterward. Instead, you had put on a fresh pair of lingerie, put back on your necklace, grabbed your box with toys, and ran up the stairs to his room. There you had put the box at the end of the bed and had gone rummaging between the bed frame and the mattress. You had found what you had been looking for quickly enough. The white fur handcuffs. There were four of them. One at each corner, secured to the frame of the bed. Having put them neatly on display, you sat down in the middle of the bed and waited. You knew if you waited long enough, Mr. Lee would come up to check on you, see if you were okay since you hadn't come back down yet. After he would find your bedroom empty, he'd go looking for you immediately.

It didn't take long before you finally hear his frantic footsteps. The door swung open with a loud bang. Mr. Lee's face was contorted in an unmistakable look of worry. His eyes instantly grew big with surprise the moment he saw you sitting on the bed.

'God fucking dammit Y/n,' he swore, stringing into the bedroom, his face still bearing traces of the shock. You had barely blinked when he had reached the bed.

'You had me so fucking worry, Christ. And what's all this?' He ranted, only now noticing all the stuff laid out on the bed. 

'Oppa,' you spoke softly. Your voice was calm, but your heart wasn't. Mr. Lee took a few heavy breaths through his nose to calm himself down. He frowned as his eyes slid over the items splayed in front of him, just now actually recognizing what they were.

Oppa,' you repeated. Mr. Lee looked up, his eyes locking with yours. There was a slight crease between his eyebrows and his jaws were clenched. His chin was slightly tilted as he stared at you.

'What's your plan?' Mr. Lee asked shortly. His hands were stuffed in his pocket and his eyes had already turned from caramel chocolate to a deep coffee color.

'I was hoping, you would teach me what you like,' you told him steadily. You had practiced this conversation over and over in your head.

Mr. Lee lifted his chin up, not breaking eye contact, but clearly thinking.

'I want you to teach me about your kinks,' you said, hoping to break his train of thought because you were sure he was thinking of ways to decline you.

'Y/n...' Mr.Lee began, sitting down on the bed, his back unusually straight. 

'Please Oppa,' you begged him, setting up your most innocent look. You quickly laid back down on the bed, grabbing the furry handcuffs into your fists as if you were already wearing them.
'Use me,' you whispered the words.

Those last two words were what broke him. The fact that you had just given him permission to use you in any way he desired made him almost lose it. He wanted to jump your bones, to do all the things he had ached for so long, to fill you up for hours and hours on end until you would be dripping with his cum and unable to walk the next day.

He balled his fist, trying to calm himself down, forcing himself to be patient.

'You're playing a very dangerous game, my dear,' he hissed, straining himself.

'I trust you,' you spoke softly. Another wave of primal instinct crashed onto Mr. Lee and he had to use all his willpower not to whip his already rock-hard cock out and plunge it into your tight virgin pussy. 

He gave himself a minute to calm down slightly, as did you, waiting for his answer, praying and hoping against better judgment.

'Fine,' Mr. Lee growled, jaws clenched. He simply could not withstand your offer. He knew he could control himself if he would go slow. And he needed this. Needed to test himself. Needed to be very sure that when the day would come he could be sweet to you, hold himself in and focus on you instead of his own desires. 

Your heart leaped at his answer, a bright smile instantly plastered across your excited face.

Mr. Lee got up and took off his jacket, throwing it into the corner of the room. He took you in for a moment, splayed out for him on his bed. He bit his lips as he looked at you, the temptation great, but not too great. Shaking his head he started to strap your left ankle into the furry cuffs.

'I hope you know what you've gotten yourself into,' he muttered as he secured the lock. 'I'll do my best to be patient, gentle. But you have to make sure you listen well and do anything I say,'

'I will,' you said quickly.

'And don't think of going off-script. Don't try and be cute,' he said strapping in your other ankle. 'Most of all don't piss me off,'

'I won't,' you promised.

Mr. Lee snapped his neck at you, his face dead serious.

'Seriously, I don't know what I'll do then,' he said, his voice baring a tint of worry.

Although his words slightly excited you, you knew he was being dead serious. You knew he didn't want to hurt you, but you also knew he was dangerous.

'I promise,' you nodded again.

'Good girl,' Mr. Lee rumbled, walking over to the head of the bed to strap in your wrists. 'Now I need you to pick a safeword. Something you can say that is unrelated to anything we do that tells me I'm going too far, or you don't like it or you're hurting. Make it easy to remember,' he told you.

You took a deep breath, thinking.

'Necklace?' you said feeling the strain of the choker around your neck. Mr. Lee shook his head.

'Not random enough, pick something else,' he rumbled as he secured the third lock.

You thought deeply again as he moved to the last handcuff.

'Just pick any words that comes to mind instantly,' he encouraged you.

'Van Gogh?' you suggested?

'Excuse me?' Mr. Lee said surprised, stopping in the middle of securing the lock.

'You know, the Dutch painter?' you reminded him.

Mr. Lee frowned. 'No, it sounds like you're just choking, pick something else,'

'Rembrandt?' you offered, another one of your favorites.

'That's fine,' Mr. Lee nodded slowly, continuing to secure the last lock. 'Repeat it,'

'Rembrandt,' you said once more.

'Good,' Mr. Lee spoke.

He had you all strapped in now, with nowhere to go.

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