14. Art

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You spend most of the following weeks by Mr. Lee's side. You listened to his conversations on the phone, making notes now and then of things that might seem useful information to you when it was something that you thought you could use later in life. Now and then the two of you went out on meetings. Mr. Lee had ordered four more suits for you in different colors. And when you had the time the two of you worked together on the project of the pool in the garden.

Sadly you weren't able to be of more use to Mr. Lee like you had been with Mr. Uisim's deal. You mostly sat there and listened.

It was however very interesting and very educational. You found Mr. Lee had his hands in many ventures and businesses as well as new projects and investments. On contrary to your father's ways, Mr. Lee mostly worked deals above the table, clean projects like developing new office buildings and investing in yacht companies.

'I'm glad you seem to enjoy yourself,' Mr. Lee said one evening as the two of you were having a glass of wine. You had promised yourself never to drink as much as you had that first time.

'I am very much,' you said truthfully.

Mr. Lee smiled.

'Good. But I don't think you want to spend the rest of your life following me around and watching me do business,' he said, taking a sip.

You chuckled.

'I wonder, what is it you would like to do? Obviously, you have a knack for it,' Mr. Lee stated.

'I don't know about that,' you giggled, 'But I have been thinking about what I would like to do lately,'

Mr. Lee propped up his hand beneath his chin, his elbow leaning against the back of the seat for support.

'Let's hear it,' he said.

'I think,' you began, considering it very carefully, 'I think I would like to get into art,' you decided.

'Art huh? Interesting,' Mr. Lee nodded slowly.

'Yes, I think so. I've always liked art. Any kind actually. When I was younger I would often go with Eomeoni and Binna to museums. I remember, when I was staring at a painting or sculpture, it was the only time I felt truly free. I could imagine whatever I wanted about that art piece and no one would know or lecture me on it,' you reminisced.

Mr. Lee smiled endearing at you, warming your heart and pinkening your cheeks.

'If you want I can help you start up something,' Mr. Lee offered.

You bit your lip.

'Really? I mean you already have so much going on...' you said not wanting to be a burden but also feeling very excited at the same time.

'Don't worry about me, I can handle it,' Mr. Lee laughed.

'Alright then,' you nodded eagerly.

Mr. Lee raised his glass.

'To art,' he said.

'To art,' you repeated.

The next day Mr. Lee offered to take you to a museum, wanting to know what kind of art you liked. You felt flattered by his interest and since this was the closest thing you could ever count as a date, you agreed.

Feeling butterflies in your stomach you had tried your hardest on your makeup and outfit. Mr. Lee, as always, simply looked as stunning as ever. Not that you would tell him that.

'You like this?' Mr. Lee asked as you stared at a modern painting with many tones of gray and purple. You nodded eagerly.

Mr. Lee chuckled.

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