15. Wounds

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That night you kept dreaming of Mr. Lee running down the hallway, grabbing you and hugging you tightly, calling you my dear every time, and whispering sweet nothings in your ear.

You woke up feeling tired but still decided to get out of bed anyway. You knew Mr. Lee had an important meeting today and you wanted to be there to accompany him.

After a hot shower, you went down the stairs to get breakfast.

But Mr. Lee wasn't in the kitchen.

Normally he would be up by now, still preparing breakfast or already eating it.

Wondering if he'd maybe be in the living room, you left the room when you almost tripped over something.

You looked down and screamed.

Mr. Lee was lying face down on the floor. His suit was dirty and crumpled. His hands were bloody and scraped as well as his face and there was a small pool of blood near his shoulder.

'Oppa,' You cried out, diving down and grabbing him by his shoulders.

'Oppa! OPPA!' you cried, tears falling down your face. You tugged at his shoulders as hard as you could, trying to turn him around.

'ARhgh,' Mr. Lee grunted in pain.

'Oh thank god! Thank god you're alive!' you cried, tears still falling and quickly letting go of him.

Mr. Lee groaned.

'Can you turn around?' you asked him quivering trying to wipe the tears from your face.

Mr. Lee didn't respond but slowly moved his arm to lean on it and push himself up. Very slowly he managed to turn to his back.

His front looked even worse. There were cuts and bruises littered all over the places that weren't covered with clothes. His sleeved were torn and...

There was a bullet wound in his shoulder. You recognized it instantly.

'Oppa, I need you to sit up,' you told Mr. Lee quivering.

He groaned in protest, his eyes still closed.

'Oppa, please,' you pleaded. 'I'll help you,'

You put your hands underneath his back and pushed upwards. He was extremely heavy.

Putting in all your might you pushed as hard as you could until Mr. Lee was sitting up straight.

'Well done Oppa. Don't lie back down okay?' you encouraged him. 'Now, I know you won't like this, but we have to move you to the couch,' You told him, knowing what his reaction would be.

Mr. Lee groaned again.

'I know, I know Oppa. But please, please let me help you. Do it for me okay?' you begged him.

For a moment Mr. Lee didn't react but then he started slowly moving his legs.

'That's it Oppa, here let me help you,' you said, moving to his less injured arm and putting it over your shoulder.

'Okay, when you're knees are up, I will count to three and on three I want you to try your hardest to stand okay?' you told him.

Another moan came from Mr. Lee but you decided to take it as a yes when he continued to move his legs.

'Alright, one, two, three!' you said, putting in all your strength to pull him from the ground.

Mr. Lee roared in pain as you quickly guided him to the nearest couch where he immediately fell down on it.

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