10. Project

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'So what do you think?' Mr. Lee asked you.  After lunch, he had told you he wanted to take you into the garden to show you something. Now the both of you were standing in the garden, looking out on a flat horizon of grass about the size of a football field.

'It's very... grassy?' you answered, not really sure what he was expecting.

Mr. Lee laughed. A warm pleasant sound.

'Yes I know it's very grassy,' he chuckled, 'That's why I wanted your opinion. I've been thinking a lot about what to do with it but I just can't think of anything except maybe a pool or something,'

'Actually, I think a pool would be nice,' you said thinking out loud. 'Maybe a large deck around it for sunchairs, part of it covered. Maybe a jacuzzi,'

'Wow, look at you Miss Creative,' Mr. Lee chuckled.

You punched his shoulder teasingly.

Lunch had really done both of you well. It was so easy to talk to him about casual things, like the weather, your favorite foods, movies you had seen recently, etc.

Mr. Lee had been right. It felt like the two of you had known each other for years.

The two of you went over ideas together, some more serious than others, using small stones you could find as cornerstones and blueprints.

By the time the plan started to become more concrete, it was already getting dark.

Mr. Lee checked his watch.

'Time flies when one is having fun,' he said smiling. 'Hmm, I don't really feel like cooking tonight. You good for takeout?'

You nodded in agreement. Your father rarely ever let you order food as he was a very suspicious man.

'Any ideas?' Mr. Lee asked you.

'If we a start brainstorming about this too, no-one will be eating tonight,' you joked. 'Let's just get whatever you like best,'

You were curious to taste his favorite food anyway.

About an hour later, the two of you were sitting on the couch, the remnants of what was your dinner on the coffee table.

'That was really good,' you sighed happily, feeling fulfilled. 'I didn't expect you to be a fan of chicken wings,' you giggled

'Oh yeah? What did you expect?' Mr. Lee asked raising one of his brows.

'I don't know,' you shrugged, 'something fancier I guess?' you said eyeing his somehow still spotless suit.

'I can do fancy,' Mr. Lee grinned. He walked over to the kitchen and came back with a bottle of wine and two glasses.

'Do you drink?' he asked as he held up the glasses. You nodded.

He poured the both of you a drink and held up his glass to you.

'Here's to our first project together,' he beamed.

'Project?' you asked, not sure what he was talking about.

'Our garden?' he said raising both his eyebrows now.

'Our...' you repeated the word as it felt strange to you.

Mr. Lee chuckled to himself.

'How many times do I have to tell you, you're mine. Which means this house, the garden, and all the other stuff I have, is yours too,' his voice was low and soft and it made your cheeks flush.

You swallowed to compose yourself and raise your glass to his.

'To our first project together,' you said, clinking your glass softly against his.

Mr. LeeWhere stories live. Discover now