31. Gaze 🔥

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'Y/n?' Mr. Lee said suddenly one morning as he looked up at you.

'Hmm?' you sounded, mouth too full with pancakes for you to speak.

'You know, I've been thinking about what you said,' he began.

You swallowed the particular big bite and raised your eyebrows.

'I say a lot of things,' you said, all kinds of scenarios racing through your head.

'About what you said, dropping the car department,' Mr. Lee said.

'Oh right. That,' you said, feeling slightly disappointed. You were hoping he had changed his mind about not sleeping in the same bed. It had already been a few days and as promised you had been practicing with your dilators. You were almost ready for number three.

'I think you're right. I think it does slightly take down my name. And it's always such a hassle. I was thinking if I expand the IT department, it might make up for the loss,' Mr. Lee said thoughtfully.

You nodded thinking too.

The bell rang.

'Oh it's already time!' you exclaimed as you jumped up from your seat.

Besides Mr. Lee's own job and your work for the art gallery, together you had finally finalized the plans for the pool.

You ran over to the door and let the team of construction workers in.

There were quite a lot of them.

Mr. Lee had insisted on sparing no expense, wanting to get it done as quickly as possible. At first, you had thought the reason to be that he just didn't like strange people in his house.

But as the construction workers started going over the plan with you and Mr. Lee and started working, you noticed why.

The entire day long, Mr. Lee was keeping an especially close eye on you.

For a moment you had thought it was because he didn't trust you.

But around dinner time you found out the real reason.

You had been standing watch as they had marked out the plan on the grass. Most of the workers had been busy but one had been slacking off. You had noticed him too. Most of the time he stayed close to you, but not too close. He was always out of your line of sight, but whenever you looked around to find him he quickly turned away.

It was obvious that he was staring at you whenever you weren't looking.

It wasn't long before Mr. Lee picked up on it too. He had been inside for a while on a phone call, but as soon as he came out you could see his face change. He was fixating on a point behind you, striding over towards where you were standing.

He grabbed your arm and pulled you behind his back with such unexpected force that you almost tripped.

You didn't have time to recover from the shock of Mr. Lee's action as he suddenly started verbally abusing the worker, telling him in a not-so-decent way that he was supposed to get on with his work.

The worker apologized many times, the fear clearly audible in his voice, but Mr. Lee wouldn't hear it.

He grabbed you by your arm and pulled you back into the house.

Still cursing under his breath Mr. Lee let go of you in the kitchen.

'Oppa,' you spoke softly taking his face into your hands. Your action surprised him and he looked down at you.

As if awaking from a trance he put one of his hands over the ones you put on his face. You could instantly see his dark eyes clearing up a little.

'Oppa, it's okay,' you giggled.

Mr. LeeWhere stories live. Discover now