2. Sacrifice

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'I said, give me your daughter,' the man repeated coldly.

'No, no sir, anything, anything but that,' Binna's mother's cries were heartbreaking.

'You were the one who made the mistake, so I will take your daughter to make us even,' the man said simply.

'Please sir, no please,' Binna's father cried.

'You said you'd do anything!' the man raged.

'Sir take me, take me instead,' Binna's mom pleaded, crying loudly.

'I have no use for secondhand hags,' the man sneered.

'She's too young, she can't - she's innocent,' Binna's father cried.

'Should've thought about that when you broke our treaty,' the man spat.

Your heart and mind were racing.

So Binna's father had broken a treaty between our clan and Mr Lee. You had heard about Mr Lee before. He had climbed the ladder quickly and had become the most influential and rich mobster within the last five years. 

And now he wanted revenge. Revenge on your clan by taking Binna. You knew she could never survive it. Binna was very much attached to her parents, you knew she could never bare to leave their side. Despite her age, she had never done anything for herself. You wondered if she had ever had an original thought for herself. She was what one would call an innocent naive white flower.

And then there was her secret crush on Eun-woo. Maybe that was her one original thought. Whenever Binna was not worrying over your, in her words, "reckless" actions, she was swooning over Eun-woo.

If Binna were to be taken by Mr. Lee either two things would happen.

One: she'd run away, back to her parents or to find a new life. This would result in retaliation on our clan and on her if they ever would find her again.

Two: she couldn't bear it. She would break under the pressure and anxiety and the heartache of missing her parents and Eun-woo. She would find a way to end the pain.

Your heart broke at the thought of it. No, you wouldn't let Binna suffer. You wouldn't let her mother suffer, the mother that had done so much for you too.

Something inside you snapped and with a rush of adrenaline, you threw yourself into the room.

In a flash, you could see the three parents on their knees, tears in their eyes, and their hands rubbing together. A pathetic sight to see.

Then you were grabbed by the two bodyguards, something hard and cold-pressed against the nape of your neck.

Your heart was racing but some kind of weird inner power had overtaken you. You weren't afraid. You knew what to do.

'Take me,' you heard yourself say.

'Well, well, well,' who do we have here?' Mr. Lee said. He narrowed his eyes at you, seemingly unphased by your sudden appearance.

For a second you couldn't help but be amazed by his beauty.

Mr. Lee jumped from your father's desk he had been sitting on and inched closer towards you.

'Take me,' you repeated, feeling like your heartbeat was audible to everyone in the room.

Mr. Lee raised his eyebrows.

'I'm the only daughter of Mr. Han. My father is the true leader of the Buja clan, so I'm far more valuable than Mr. Park's daughter,' you spoke.

Mr. Lee lowered his chin and took another step towards you. From what you had heard Mr. Lee was at least twice your age. Though he certainly did not look it...

'Your father, Mr. Han, was not the one who broke our treaty,' Mr. Lee said, his dark eyes fixated on you.

'I'm aware,' you said.

'So why offer yourself up?' Mr. Lee almost whispered. The whining of the three parents behind you and the gun pressed to your neck made it hard to think.

'Because I am a part of the Buja clan. I am the heiress. I should be responsible just as much for the mistakes our clan makes,' you answered.

Mr. Lee said nothing but squinted at you.

Binna's mother was still sobbing.

'Let me look at her,' Mr. Lee said to his bodyguards. They instantly let go of you.

Mr. Lee slowly circled you as you stood frozen to your spot, heart hammering in your chest.

'Is it true? Is she your daughter?' Mr. Lee asked, not looking at your father but scanning every millimeter of your body as if he was grading a painting.

'Yes, sir, But...' your father cried.

'SILENCE' Mr. Lee thundered.

You could feel Mr. Lee stop behind you. The warmth of his body radiated onto your back. You could feel his hot breath in your neck when he took a step closer. His breathing was slow, deep.

Then you felt his lips brush at your ear. The sensation of it made you shiver and something in your lower belly seemed to heat up. You closed your eyes to drown out your father's protests in the background. You needed to stay calm.

'Are you,' Mr. Lee said pausing, his voice so soft that you knew no one else could hear him. He softly blew hot air into your ear and the heat in your lower stomach rose instantly. '- a virgin?' Mr. Lee finished his sentence.

His scent was warm and inviting. His breath on your neck felt like fingers caressing you. If it wasn't for your father's cries, protests, and pleading, it could've been almost enticing.

You slowly nodded to answer his question.

A low rumbling and approving sound came from behind you as Mr. Lee stepped away from you.

'Fine then. I will take her instead,' Mr. Lee announced. You swallowed hard. Your father started howling, as did the two other parents.

Mr. Lee stepped in front of you and looked at you with sparkling eyes. His head was slightly tilted and a dark grin played on his lips.

'Let's go,' he commanded. You felt two iron clasped hands grab around your upper arms and lift you up.

'Wait, what? Now?' you said in a hitched voice, shocked by the sudden turn of events.

Mr. Lee was already walking towards the exit of the room. The two bodyguards on either side of you dragged you with them.

'Dad! Dad!' you cried out, unable to see his face as you were dragged away from him.

'I'll be fine dad! Don't worry! I'll be fine!' You called out at him as you heard him scream and curse behind you. But the bodyguards and Mr. Lee just marched on. Out of the office, into the hallway. Away from your father and the woman that helped raise you. Away from your family, your clan, your home. Away into a sacrifice, you had made, one you had not thought through at all. One you had no idea what it would truly mean to you.

Mr. LeeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon