23. Wet 🔥

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Mr. Lee had silently followed you as you had gone with Hyun-jin. The two of you simply ignored Mr. Lee and talked and laughed. Seven other men had joined you in the limo, making it quite crowded. All of them had eyed the silent jaw-clenchin Mr. Lee for a second before deciding to follow your and Hyun-jin's example in ignoring him.

The destination was a large modern mansion. Even from outside one could clearly hear and see the party that was going on inside. Impressed you climbed out of the limo.

'Y/n,' Mr. Lee said grabbing your hand as you followed the group of boys onto the path the led to the house.

'What?' you instantly jerked your hand from his still pissed at him.

'Let's go home,' Mr. Lee said. His eyes were as dark as his tone. Clearly, he was angry too.


'No, I'm going in. I wanna dance,' you told him off, turning your back to him and walking towards the house.

Mr. Lee followed closely.

The atmosphere inside was amazing. There were all kinds of colored lights and all of the guests looked like they had just come from a boring gala like yours too. Everyone that was there seemed to be letting loose, shaking off the stuck-up behavior and completely letting go.

People were drinking, laughing, and dancing. You could spot couples snogging in corners.

It reminded you of those college parties you had seen in movies. But the people were slightly older, slightly more well-behaved, and far better dressed.

Or maybe it was more like an afterparty after the Oscars or Grammy's.

Either way, this was your first time ever attending something like this.

The music was loud and you could feel the bass vibrating in your chest.

'Wanna dance?' Hyun-jin shouted in your ear. There was no other way to ask if he wanted to be heard. You could see Mr. Lee's face twist up with Hyun-jin's close proximity to you.


You knew you were being toxic but you didn't care. You were angry and drunk. And you wanted to dance.

You nodded at him and he pulled you onto the improv dancefloor.

Out of nowhere, Hyun-jin handed you a filled shot glass. You weren't sure where he got it from but you weren't going to question it.

In one go you downed the drink.

It burned in your throat.

Hyun-jin grinned at you as he flung back his own glass.

Feeling the alcohol warm you, you started to let loose, swaying to the music.

You didn't know where Mr. Lee was but you didn't want to look for him.

Moving to the beat as well, Hyun-jin inched closer and closer towards you, until your bodies finally met. He put his hands on your lower back and started to move his hips with yours, your faces only inches apart.

Someone grabbed you roughly from behind and pulled you backward.

'Yah!' You called out but the music was too loud. No one could hear you.

You tried to struggle but it was useless. Your captor lifted you up and carried you away.

Within seconds you were dragged out of the room, and stuffed into an empty room.

'YAH!' you called out as the door slammed shut.

The light switched on and in flash, you noticed you were in the bathroom.

Mr. Lee looked at you murderously.

Within two strides he was standing in front of you, his chest against your front, pressing you against the wall.

He grasped your jaw into his hand, holding it so tight that you couldn't move an inch.

'What the fuck do you think you're doing!?' Mr. Lee raged at you. 'Do you think this is a game?! Are you insane?!'

You could almost taste his fury in the air.

You knew you had screwed up badly.

'What the fuck are you thinking?! You're free?! You're free my ass! You're MINE!' he raged on, grabbing your jaw even tighter.

His eyes were menacing, boring down into yours.

But why weren't you more afraid of him?

'You won't hurt me,' you whispered knowingly when he inhaled deeply after his tirade.

'I won't hurt you?!' Mr. Lee spat at you, his teeth grinding almost audible.

He let go of your jaw, only to grab your neck in one hand, holding it almost in a chokehold.

'I won't hurt you?' he hissed the words again into your ear, still pinning you to the wall with his body.

All your rationality had completely gone. You couldn't think anymore.

You could only feel Mr. Lee's muscular body pressing you to the wall, his hand clasped around your throat.

Without meaning to, you breathed out a small audible moan as the hot air of Mr. Lee's words caressed your ear.

Mr. Lee's face shot back in front of you.

His eyes were slightly narrowed, as his face slowly moved forwards to yours.

He put a little more pressure on your throat, making you moan once more.

Your mind went blank for a little bit and all you could feel was the alcohol running through your veins and the fire that had lit up inside you out of nowhere.

Mr. Lee bared his teeth as he loosened his grip a little on your throat.

'You did it on purpose,' he hissed deadly. 'You wanted to piss me off. You wanted me to do this,'

'Oppa,' you groaned hoarsely and he immediately tightened his grip again, choking you slightly for a second before relaxing again.

'You wanted to be punished,' he whispered, brushing his lips over the edge of your ear.

A shiver went down your spine which Mr. Lee could feel.

'I had no idea,' he began slowly, his other hand suddenly grabbing the fabric of the skirt of your dress, 'that you were such a perverted little slut,' he growled.

With one quick movement, his hand vanished between the split of the fabric of your dress, grabbing hold of your upper inner thigh.

You let out a small yelp as you felt your heartbeat increase and your heat rising.

'Tell me, did you enjoy my gifts?' He asked with a sneer. His hand slowly moved up your leg, the feeling of it almost agonizing as it left you wanting.

'Oppa,' you breathed again.

'Yes, Oppa,' he taunted, 'Oppa knows. Oppa could hear you as you were playing around with yourself every day twice a day, you dirty little whore,'

All kinds of butterflies were roaming your lower stomach. Your core crying out, begging to be touched.

Mr. Lee's hand rose up further, his finger now grazing the edge of your panties.

'What were you thinking about, hmm? Tell me what you were thinking about when you were playing with yourself when you were stuffing your virgin cunt with that puny pink toy,' he panted into your ear.

His fingers roughly pulled down your panties to your lower tighs, a string of wetness leaving behind its trail.

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