18. Interrupted

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'Y/n,' Mr. Lee said cheerfully when you walked into the kitchen one morning, 'I have some great news,'

'Wha-what?' you asked blinking surprised. You were still a little hazy from your morning masturbation session.

'Please sit down, breakfast is served,' Mr. Lee said gesturing at the table and sitting down himself too. His condition had improved a lot over the past few days. All his wounds were healing up very nicely.

'So, I made a few calls, and I think I have the perfect location for your art gallery,' Mr. Lee said happily.

'No way,' you said suddenly wide awake.

'Yep, and what's even better, we've been invited to the opening gala of the new Hoeui Conference center. There will be a lot of high-ranking investors there you could pitch your idea to,'  Mr. Lee said proudly.

'Wow, I just... Wow,' you muttered. 'When is it?'

'Ten days from now, so a little short notice but I think we'll manage,' Mr. Lee reassured you.

'Wow,' you repeated, feeling slightly overwhelmed.

You bit your lip.

'Don't worry, it'll be fine,' Mr. Lee said reading your thoughts. 'We still have time. You've been with me on quite some meetings so you must have some idea of what to say. But still, I will spend all my free time preparing you for the gala. The pool can wait,' Mr. Lee mused.

The following days were intense. Mr. Lee had gone back to work, as usual, taking you with him everywhere he went so you could observe and learn. In your time off you debated ideas together about the art gallery and practiced what to say to get people to invest. Often times your conversations would go on until late at night. After which you would lock yourself into your room to feed your new addiction and play with your pink toy.

Your addiction hadn't gotten any better as you and Mr. Lee grew closer. Both getting more comfortable around one another, the distance between the two of you started to decrease. Literally.

It was the night before the gala when the both of you were sitting on the couch watching the late-night news. You were feeling slightly sleepy from the nice dinner Mr. Lee had once again made you.

You peeked at Mr. Lee from the corner of your eyes. His arms were splayed out, resting on the back of the sofa. His head supported by the backrests. You were sitting quite close beside him.

One could say he basically had his arm around your shoulder.

Feeling a surge of confidence flood you, you decided to be a little cheeky for once. Pulling up your knees you scooted over to him, letting your body lean against his.

'Hello there,' Mr. Lee said looking down at you surprised. You could feel your heart hammering in your chest. Sure he could feel it too as your back leaned into his side.

'Hi,' you spoke breathlessly, facing him with a nervous smile. You felt tense. Hoping, praying Mr. Lee would make a move.

Mr. Lee moved his arms away from the headrest and wrapped them around you, causing your heat to rise instantly.

'Are you comfortable my dear?' He whispered, his lips brushing your ear as he asked you, causing a tingle down your spine to your toes.

You nodded, unable to speak as your throat felt too dry, the use of his nickname for you instantly warming your heart.

Slowly Mr. Lee stroked your arm with his large thumb.

Sitting there in his arms felt absolutely blissful. It felt like home. It was home.

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