26. Lingerie

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'You did well,' Mr. Lee said after you hung up the phone with the last investor. He stroked your hair sweetly as he looked at you affectionately. 'I think that'll be enough for today,' he nodded.

You smiled at him. The feeling you got whenever Mr. Lee praised you was nice. It was something you had rarely ever felt before. Eomeoni had praised you whenever you did well too, but that had felt very different from this.

'Oppa?' you began, biting your lip, thinking. Mr. Lee smiled at your use of his name. 'Would you mind if I go out for a bit? I wanna go shopping,' you said.

'Of course my dear, where do you want to go?' he asked you. 

You blushed slightly.

'Actually, I wanted to go alone,' you said, not looking him in the eye.

You felt Mr. Lee hesitate for a second. Of course, he would hesitate after the shit you had pulled yesterday, but you were still hoping he would continue his promise of letting you be free.

'Alright, do you want me to give you a ride?' Mr. Lee agreed. 'I need to get some groceries anyway,'

'Sure,' you agreed. You knew it would be safe. You trusted Mr. Lee to just give you the ride and not follow you.

'Just call or text me whenever you're done,' Mr. Lee said helping you out of the car like a true gentleman. He was dropping you off at the large shopping center as you had asked him.

'Oh, and Y/n,' he said, stopping you for a moment. He stuck his hand out to you and there was something in it. 'Here, use my black card. Don't worry, I never check the bill on it so I won't know what you bought,' he assured you.

'Thank you Oppa,' you stammered as you took it from him.

'Have a great time. See you soon,' Mr. Lee said before planting a kiss on your forehead. You closed your eyes at the feeling of his touch, his soft lips caressing your forehead. A warmth spread throughout your body.

You had wanted to go shopping on your own for several reasons. 

After what had happened yesterday night, you knew you were in dire need of new lingerie. You did own thongs but all of them were more practical than anything. None of them really looked good. And now having gone a step further with Mr. Lee, you knew it would only be a matter of time before you'd really go all the way. And you wanted to be ready.

And then there was one more thing.

You might have never had real sex before but you knew what it was, how it worked, and what it could cause...

And you weren't sure if you were ready for that just yet...

You first decided to go to the lingerie shop. You knew about one you had seen before, but you had never been inside. You hadn't dared before...

'Good afternoon Miss, what can I do for you?' the employee of the shop asked you. You instantly felt awkward.

Chill. It's just underwear.

Is it?

'I-I Uhm,' you began awkwardly. The employee smiled at you encouragingly.

'I-I'm looking for something...' you said, not sure how to say it and fiddling with your fingers.

'First boyfriend?' The employee asked smiling friendly. You nodded eagerly, happy that you didn't have to say it yourself.

Mr. LeeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ