He looked at me briefly before sighing, contemplating what he wanted to say, "It's the insomnia. I haven't been able to sleep really well for the past few days. Don't worry about me Jenny. I'll be fine. It just happens sometimes." He smiled trying to reassure me but that just made me worry more. He told me he had insomnia but I didn't know it was this bad. All the energy he had was drained, leaving him dry. I made up my mind to take care of him like he would if I were in his shoes.

"Alright you're coming to my apartment with me right now."

He chuckled, "Oh Jenny, at least take me on a date first." He teased and I frowned, smacking the back of his head gently causing him to laugh out loud.

"Will your brother be okay on his own?"

Jake nodded, "He'll be fine."

"Alright then let's go. Wait, what about your friends? Oh right and Karen? Wow I didn't think this through."

"Jenny you need to stop the worrying." He ruffled my hair and I smacked his hand away, "I'll text them. They'll understand. And don't worry about Karen, Troy will take good care of her. Trust me." He smiled warmly and my heart skipped. The smile dropped when he shut his eyes and leaned his head back against the bench.

"Okay then. Just hold on. I'll call us a cab."

"You do that." Jake smiled and plopped on a bench, pulling me down beside him before laying his head on my shoulder and closing his eyes. My heart swelled.

I just wanted him to feel better.

I unlocked the door and Jake entered behind me. He dropped onto my couch, grabbing a throw pillow and curling into a ball. I stared at him. My worry increasing until it dawned on me that I've never actually seen him like this. Back when I was in his house, I found him awake in the middle of the night but I didn't realize the struggle he was going through.

I entered the kitchen and began making soup that may help him sleep made with turkey. My mom made it a lot when I was younger because I was a hyper active kid. I was positive this will help him even if it's just for a little while.

When I was done I brought the bowl to him, "Jake? You asleep?"

"Nope." He mumbled from the ball he was in.

"I made soup for you." He peaked his head out from his curled state he was in and his eyes twinkled though it looked really tired.

"You made soup for me?" He teased. If he was in a cartoon I could imagine his eyes getting gigantic and sparkly. He was cute like that. I'm not ever going to lie but I still felt like smacking him when I saw the smug grin on his perfect face.

"You want it or not?"

"Okay okay," He laughed. He took it from my hands. "Thank you Jenny." I rolled my eyes trying not to show that that smile didn't affect me. It did.

I switched on the TV and sat beside him. A few minutes into the movie, there was a spoon suddenly in my face. "Jake, what is your spoon doing in my face?"

"I want you to eat with me."

"There's plenty of food in the fridge." I said, confused. Does he want me to eat with him? I can grab a plate and get for myself even though I'm not really hungry.

"Nope. I wanna feed you. Open up."

Reluctantly and only because he's not feeling his best right now, I opened my mouth and he fed me. He wiped away some soup that was dribbling down my mouth and fed me again. He was the one not feeling well yet I was the one getting pampered. Jake was like that.

I pushed the spoon away from my mouth. "Jake eat."

"Please? I don't feel comfortable eating all alone." He looked at me with his gorgeous eyes and I suddenly realized that I would do anything for this boy.

Within reason of course.

I reluctantly opened my mouth and he fed me again looking so happy. I would do anything to make him happy.

The bowl was empty and Jake was beside me resting his head on my shoulder. We were watching another Jim Carrey film and I noticed Jake wasn't laughing as much. He must have been feeling drowsy. The turkey was working.

I looked at his face on my shoulder and chuckled. He was asleep. He looked peaceful. I lowered the volume on the tv, closed my eyes briefly and laid my head on his. I was so close to falling asleep when my phone rung. It wasn't too loud but it was loud enough to make Jake stir. I quickly picked up.


"Karen! Thank goodness. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I'm good. Everything's all good."

"I'm sorry I ditched you."

"No you didn't. You were with your boyfriend, weren't you?"

Boyfriend? I glanced down at the boy beside me. I realized that him being my boyfriend wouldn't actually be a bad thing.

"Hello? Jenny? You still there?"

"Yeah I'm still here. I'm sorry your coworker is a jerk."

"Eh, I'll live. As long as she doesn't come near me. I don't think what my head is telling me to do would be the Christian thing to do."

I laughed at that, "Where are you? Are you home?"

"How did you get home? Oh God I hope you didn't walk home?"

"Well... I did walk home but I wasn't alone."

"Oh? Who did you walk with?"

"Troy." She spoke timidly.


"He didn't want me to walk home alone."

"Oh that's nice."

"No it isn't. He's insufferable." Karen spoke clearly seething, "he didn't shut up, not once, and he made me want to punch his stupid face."

"His stupid cute face." I teased.

"What?!" From the sound of her voice, Karen was definitely blushing. "You know what? Goodbye!"

I spoke, "Goodnight. Sleep well. Dream of your darling Troy."


I laughed putting my phone away. I was actually laughing and talking with a girl on the phone like a normal person would. I felt happy. I had no doubt that Karen would be a very good friend to me.

I looked at Jake and thought of waking him up so he can go lay on the bed in the bedroom but i don't know if he would sleep after. How does insomnia even work?

I laid my head on his and before I knew it, I was asleep.

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