Comincia dall'inizio

"Don't you think it's too easy, Deanrella?"

"Well for you, evil step-sis, I like easy. Missouri already did her whole Zelda Rubenstein thing. The house should be clean. This should be over."

"Yeah, probably, but I just want to make sure. That's all."

Dean slides back on his chair, "The problem is I could be sleeping in a bed right now."

Sam and Karina saw Jenny screaming at them over her window. Screaming for help. Just like Sam's vision. Sam warned Dean, to see what they were both seeing. They all get out of the car, Dean turned to them, "You two grab the kids, I'll get Jenny."

They all ran to the house and made their way through the entrance. When they all ran upstairs, they went their separate ways. Karina made her way through Richie's bedroom. She carried him in her arms and saw Sam in Sari's bedroom. They all saw what Sari was crying and screaming at.

The figure of fire.

Sam went into her room and grabbed Sari out of her bed. He carried her in his arms, and they made their way down the stairs. They both set the kids down on the floor, and Sam looked at Sari. "Sari, take your brother outside as fast as you can, and don't look back."

Suddenly, an invisible force pulled Sam to the floor. He got pulled backward, leaving Sari screaming. Karina's eyes widened, and she turned and guided them outside. She ran back to Sam. Hearing behind her, a front door is slammed shut.

Karina rushed over to Sam on the ground before she was flung against the wall, making her hit her wounded scratch. She groaned painfully. Sam flung against the cabinet.

As he stood up and came over to Karina, they were both pinned against the wall by the invisible force. They can't move any part of their bodies.

They heard Dean screaming their names. They both saw the figure of fire, making its way toward them. As it got closer, they both recognized who it was.

Karina's eyes looked closely to it, "Is that-"


When they heard Dean running through the house, looking for them. "Sam?!? Karina!?!"

He ran toward them and he turned his way from what they were seeing. He raised his rifle until Sam stopped him.

Sam yelled, "No, don't! Don't!"

"What? Why?"

Karina answered for him, "Because we know who it is. You as well... We can see her now."

Suddenly, the fire vanished. What was standing in front of all of them was Mary Winchester in her nightgown. Exactly the night she died.

Dean's expression softened and shocked to see who it was. He pulled his rifle down. Mary smiled at him.


She walked to him and looked deeply into his eyes. All she ever did was smile. "Dean." His eyes were forming in tears. Mary walks away from him and goes to Sam. Dean never took his eyes off of her.

She smiled at him, "Sam."

He laughed softly, finally hearing her voice. Saying his name for 22 years. He closed his eyes and looked at Mary, eyes close to tears.

Mary's smile started to fade, "I'm sorry."

Sam tilted his head, and his eyes were still in tears, "For-For what?"

Mary didn't respond back, she just looked at him, sadly. Her eyes landed on Karina, looking straight at her. All Mary did was nod. In gratitude. For watching over her sons. Karina softly smiled and nodded back to her.

Mary turned away from them, and her eyes were on the ceiling. "You, get out of my house. And let out my son, and the Huntress."

She bursts into flames. The fire evaporated, and it flared up onto the ceiling and it disappeared. The force that was holding them was released, and they both panted heavily. Now they have let go. Karina looked at both, seeing their reaction. Seeing their Mom. Dean exchanged glances with Sam and Karina.

Sam finally said his last words, "Now it's over."


The next morning, Dean was holding the pictures that Jenny gave him. Karina watched Dean looking down at the pictures and looked at Jenny, "Thanks for these."

"Don't thank me, they're yours."

Dean put away the photos in the truck of photos in the car. Karina turned to him, "She was right. You were weird-looking."

"Shut up." Karina laughed softly and crossed her arms. He looked at Karina, "How's your arm?"

"I'll live. It was just a scratch."

She looked straight into Dean's eyes, "How are you feeling? Since you just saw Mary."

Dean shook his head and looked at Sam and Missouri talking to each other on the porch. "I don't know... all I ever wanted after Sammy was able to see my mom. Now she saved all of us and the family. I know she's okay for now."

Karina nodded from his words and looked at what he was seeing. "I'm sorry about your childhood. It's just so tragic... at least you have your brother. We'll find John, I know we will."

Dean glanced at Karina and nudged her. He smiled a little as she chuckled. He couldn't help but think about what Missouri said to her. "What happened to your Mom?"

Karina sighed sadly, and looked at him, "It's a long story. A long, melancholy story."

She looked away from him, and yelled at Sam, "Sam, you're ready?" Dean looked down on her avoidance and remembered what Sam said to him. She can't feel anything.

Dean and Karina sent their goodbyes to Jenny. She walked toward her house. She thanked all of them as Sam walked by. When Sam walked near Karina and Dean went over to his driver's seat, Missouri shouted out to them.

"Don't you guys be strangers."

Dean responds to her, "We won't."

"See you around." They all smiled back and got in the car. Dean drove away off the street. Leaving their home. Their childhood home. They all look at each other, relieved, and ready to find their Dad as Karina promised.

Not knowing that John was hiding with Missouri.

𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 > 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐥 {𝟏}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora