Chapter Ten: The Butcher, The Baker, The Couple That Eat Ya.

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You watch smiling as Steve slides into the kitchen, towards the cooler lifting it open to take out a leg. You shake your head as he motions for you to turn up the song. 

 You are an obsession. I cannot sleep

I am a possession. Unopened at your feet

There's no balance. No equality

Be still

"You wanna help or you just gonna watch?" He asks over the music, you shake your head but he smiles, pulling you over to wash your hands at the same time lathering them up with soap. Spraying you with water after. 

I will not accept defeat

You are an obsession. You're my obsession

Who do you want me to be, to make you sleep with me?

You are an obsession. You're my obsession

Who do you want me to be. To make you sleep with me?

Between preparing the meat, after setting up the photo of Melisa and packaging whats left off her leg into bags, he spins you round. Singling and and dancing round the kitchen like when you'd first met. 

I feed you, I drink you. By day and by night

I need you, I need you. By sun and candlelight

You protest. You want to leave

Stay - woah! There's no alternative

"You want a hand?" You smile as he opens all the remade box lids. He smiles as you chuck each meat packet into the boxes, slam dunking the last one he picks you up spins you round and kisses you before continuing. 

You are an obsession. You're my obsession

Who do you want me to be. To make you sleep with me?

You are an obsession. You're my obsession

Who do you want me to be. To make you sleep with me?

As Steve sits down to put all the belongings in the boxes, riffling though to pick out which bits of Mellisa's belongings to put in which box he starts to look round as if he's lost something. You walk over with some hair and he smiles at you, like you're his missing puzzle piece. His lobster as your favourite TV show would say. 

My fantasies. Have turned to madness

And all my goodness. Has turned to badness

My need to possess you. Has consumed my soul

My life is trembling. I have no control

You hear a huff as the boxes are placed by the front door ready to go, sending a quick text Steve walks back into the kitchen. "Something smells good. . ." he smiles walking over to the kitchen counter kissing you as a thank you for the glass of wine you hand him, he sids on the side board exhausted watching you. 

"Baking my famous Blueberry muffins . . . and some chocolate cake, for the girls." you smile, closing the oven. Putting the oven mitts down and walking over to Steve, sliding yourself between his thighs, your face looking up as he looks down at you from sat on the counter. "What?" 

"Nothing, you're just cute. . ." he winks, kissing your nose. 

"Someone has to get ride of the smell of flesh" you wrinkle your nose, sliding an arm around his torso as you nestle into his chest, he sips his wine, stroking your hair. Happy, at peace and very much in love, as were you. 

. . . . . . WITH STEVE . . . . . 

"Hey, how are you?" Noa shove the tray with a lovely lunch and some flowers on it towards him and away from her. "Still angry. . ." Steve huffs by the door "at least eat the cake, it was made specially for you." he says defeated. 

"I need a shower. . ." Noa asks quickly before the door shuts completely. He pauses, before opening it slightly. Standing their frowning darkly. 

"Alone?" he pauses as she stares at him unable to read him. Steve begins to laugh "Its a joke, it was just a stupid joke, I'm trying you know, I'm trying to make you laugh, and its not, its not working." he leans into the doorway. "Can't you just give me one smile, just one?" He'd promised you he'd try his best. Noa forces herself to smile, its fake and awkward and if a little painful but Steve laughs. 

"Is that a yes?" She then says abruptly. He gives her a sigh, rolling his eyes to the side. 

"Ok" he agrees before heading towards her. He bends downwards her, unlocking the chains. "You know you're gonna have to loosen up a little bit, I mean I know things are different but it's still me. . ." he says as reasonably as humanly possible. Noa's just ignoring him. He keeps her wrist bound together and drags her to the door. He stops, takes a huge breath in and then pulls her face up so its looking at him. "Are you gonna be good?" She nods "because this is a privilege I've been asked to give you and I'll take it back. . ." he warns, his voice deep. 

. . . . BACK TO NORMAL POV. . . . . 

You're putting the cake in the fridge, when you hear the click of the door. Awh good, he's letting her have a shower. . .  you smile, as you start to untie your apron. Thats when you hear it, an almighty calamity in the hallway, you run towards in just as Noa drops having been knocked out, her head hitting the wooden slats. 

"What the fuck happened?" You look shocked. 

"She tried to run" he looks down, sliding a hand though his hair with an angry huff. 

"Oh Noa. . . " you sigh defeatedly, sadly. You'd kind of hoped to keep her in once piece, talk her round. Steve looks at you, his heartstrings pulling at your genuine sadness. 

"Penny loved the cake . . ." he said trying to cheer you up. 

"Oh good. . . " you give a weak smile to him as you look at Noa on the floor.

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