Chapter Nine: The Chef's Special

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As you walk into the kitchen, you see a note stuck to the door.

Had to leave early, sorry I didn't say goodbye. Miss you already my love.


Yours Brendan ;)


You smile, your heart fluttering as you hold the note. 

. . . . WITH STEVE & NOA. . . .

"Hey" Noa slowly wakes up, finding herself on a soft bed having not remembered a single thing. 

"Hi. . .  how did you sleep?" Steve asks blandly from the corner of the room, he's in a roll neck different from the one last night, looking handsome drinking his morning cup of coffee. 

"Yeah, good. . . what, what happened?" Noa asks with wonderment, still awakening as she slowly sits up. 

"I drugged you. .  ." Steves reply is flat, causing Noa to laugh as if he'd told a joke. He hadn't. As Noa tries to sit up, to get closer to the guy she's seeing, she feels he chain pulling on of her two cuffed wrists. It's a about thirty seconds worth of digesting the situation before she looks up at Steve, confused and frightened. 

"Whats going on . ..  Steve . . . " she adds shakily at the end as he casually sips his drink, the echos of a smile on his lips. 

"I'm gonna tell you but you're gonna freak out." he says plainly. The realisation that he isn't in fact joking with her starts to kick in but she still can't believe it, he was so lovely. Steve watches as she begins to shake her head no, tears bubbling as she tries to keep it firm and together. 

"Can you take these off Steve, I need you to take these off, take them off" she repeats but Steve continues to sip his morning coffee and refuse.

"I can't do that. . ." 

"Take this off" Noa tried again firmly with a wobbly voice her breath shallow and loud. 

"I. can't. do. that. . ." Steve leans a little into what he's saying and eventually Noa lets herself cry a little. 

"No. No. No. This isn't happening." 

"Yes it is" 

"Please please please please, this is a joke, isn't it? Steve?" 

With a huff, Steve stands, starting to walk towards her . . .  "look why don't . . ." but Noa's shuffling away from him, backing herself up against the wall. 

"Don't!! Don't come near me!" 

"I'm staying right here" he stops moving. 

"Fucking don't come near me . . ." Steve stands where he is hands in the air innocently. 

"I'm staying right here." While Noa has a break down, realising her fate. She looks up at him. 

"Are you gonna rape me?" Steve crouches down to her level, calmly but darkly looking at her. 

"I'm not gonna rape you." He says plainly "Noa, I made a promise to treat you nicely, and I like you." He says whilst she pants and cries and panics "I need you to listen carefully. . .  . are you listening to me?" He asks as she continues to make a noise. "NOA!!!!!" Steve shouts, shocking her into silence. "There you are. . ."  he says gently "I'm going to tell you now. . .  I'm going to sell your meat . . .people pay me a lot of money for it . . .  and your hair and weird shit like that . . . it's a thing . .  so" and he laughs heartily at her earlier comment shaking his head as if recalling an inside joke "I'm not gonna kill you . . . right away" he adds with a little smile " because the fresher the meat the better so I'm gonna keep you alive for as long as I can . . ." he claps and clicks as Noa's shock causes her to start heavy breathing and not looking at him anymore. "Unless you act up?"  He gives a cheeky little smile "alright?" He stands up from crouching "But until then, I'm gonna take really good care of you, I'm gonna cook for you" he points to her "I'm actually a really good cook." he starts to walk away towards his cup on the title shelf in the room. "You don't know it yet but as long as you don't act up, nothing has to happen alright?" 

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