Chapter Three: A New Recipe

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. . . . ANN'S POV . . . 

Ann's head felt like it had been hit with a hammer. . . wincing . . . she regains consciousness . . . what the fuck had happened? And then she remembered, fuck. What had it been? How long had it been? God she was annoyed at herself now. The self pity stopped however as she heard the light sobs and pleads form a very familiar voice. 

"Steve. . .?" Y/N's terrified voice was followed by the sound of the chain attached to her arm being pulled a little, then violently shaking and clanging together. Oh here it comes. That moment, the one she had seen many times in the eyes of her victims. "What? What did you . . . " a moment of quiet realisation as she continued to pull and then silence. "Oh fuck, oh my god, no fucking no no no no no no . . . " the cries were painful to hear, the searing ache of betrayal, of sadness of fear as she clattered backwards into the corner. It's a sound no one, not even Ann could hide away from.

"Y/N I need you to calm down for me please . .  ." There was an element of callousness in his voice, of course there was, but there was something about it, it sounded forced, like he didn't want to use that tone with Y/N, or at least thats how is sounded to Ann as she listened in.

"I can't, you. . . oh shit, oh fuck, no no no no Steve not you . . .  anyone but you. . . ." Ann internally winces, oh god she loved him. Poor Y/N. Thats not good. 

"Y/N please. . .  I actually don't wanna hurt you. . ." Ann rolls her eyes, this guy is a prick . .  . who the fuck does he think he is? It was lucky, she though to herself, that she was struggling to move or talk right now because she'd show him a thing or two about hurting people, especially Y/N. 

"THEN FUCKING LET ME GO YOU FUCKING NUT JOB!!!" Blimey, Ann smiles, Y/N's has found a backbone, although delivered less hysterically and with less tears would be better. 

"I'm not a nut job. .  ." Steves reply comes coldly "but I'm afraid I can't do that" he says firmly but there's something vulnerable about his voice. Oh god, he's not I love with her is he? Rule number one you pycho, never fall in love with a victim, it will only get you caught. 

"Why? Why not?" Ann could picture the worried, burrowed brows of her dear friend. 

"Because I want to be honest with you and I'm not sure how you're going to take it." He says honestly and gently, Ann hears him move forward, although hesitant, Y/N clearly doesn't have anywhere else to go.  Ann frowns too now, 'just you wait Steve. I will fuck you up if you hurt her'.

 . . . . .

It was quite enlightening, listening to Steve's story. It also gave her someone to compete with in the meat selling business as soon as she got out of here, provided Steve didn't get peckish in the mean time. . . now how the fuck did she get out of here and take Y/N with her without being made into pâté. 

"Y/N say something, anything?" Steve pleaded after he'd poured his heart out but it was met with silence. "Fine. . . " Oooosps, he wasn't happy. "I'll come back later, give you time to think. . " Ann hears the door slide open. "I really mean it Y/N, I. . . " with a sigh he closes the door and disappears. 

"THANK GOD, thought he'd never leave . . ." Ann finally finds her voice. 




"Ssssssh, don't want him to know we can talk to each other. . . " Ann scolds. 

"Sorry. . . do you think there are others?" 

"The walls are thin . . . helllloooooooo?" Anna waits "nope, just us."

"Where the hell have you been?" Y/N sniffs. 

"Where do you think?" 

"Good point. . ." Y/N shuffles miserably closer to the wall. 

"We'll get out of here, I promise. The mans insane." 

"Takes one to know one . . ." 

"Don't pretend you don't love it. . . or him." 

"I - " 

"Anyway, he sounds early days, not honed his talent yet. . . we have the upper hand." 


"Yes, you have me, I'm the upper hand." 

"Unless he eats it. . .do you eat hand is that a thing?" 

"Why, you tempted?" 

"No. . ." 

"So, wanna hear the plan?" 

"Yes please." 

"Listen carefully. . ." 

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