Chapter One: Meat Cute

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'Ok Y/N, you have got this, you have got this' You sike yourself up in the mirror, this is what it had come to, a blind date set up by a colleague, who's friends, friends, friend new someone who would be 'perfect for you'. Great. You sigh aloud to yourself, checking your make up one last time before smoothing out your favourite, and if you did say so yourself, sexiest outfit and giving yourself a thumbs up in the mirror, 'what could go wrong?' you smile at your reflection before rolling your eyes and walking out, unplugging your phone, putting it into your bag, strapping up your heals and heading out into the night. The restaurant wasn't far from your house so you opted to walk, good for the environment and all that. As you heals clatter against the pavement, a wave of headache hits you, you feel overwhelmed by anxiety. "Not now" you mutter to yourself. People, this was new for you, you'd moved into the city for company but it hadn't panned out, maybe you needed to move again? As you reach the restaurant, you tentatively walk in and mention your surname, a table for two. 

. . . 

You're three cocktails down when you finally hear the clear of a throat and a gentle 'excuse me'. You look up, taking an awkwardly auditable intake of breath as you are met with the icy blue eyes of the handsome stranger who had appeared beside your table. "Sorry, didn't mean to spook you" he chuckles, your heart fluters, as you watch his eyes crinkle as the joyful rhythmic sound comes out of his mouth, a hand sweeping though his dark locks. 

"No no, I was just day dreaming sorry. . . you're not. . ." You pause as you think of the guys name who was meant to be meeting you "...Arron by any chance are you?" You look at him with a confused squint he seems to find adorable. 

"Erm no, Steve actually" he says with a sigh and a playful wince. 

"Oh good, because I was about to cause quite the scene" You smile with a twinkle in your eye and as you point your drink at him before taking another sip. 

"You don't seem like the type. . ." Steve says playfully. 

"How would you know?" You frown retorting equally as playfully. 

"Well, only the sweetest of people wait nearly two hours for a blind date to show up" He jests sadly. You put your head in your hands and then look up as he talks again "I saw you come in, if it makes you feel any better I have just escaped a date I wish hadn't shown up" he chuckles again and you feel warm. 

"Come, sit, you can tell me all about it. . ." You motion to the seat in front of you. 

"Thought you'd never ask . . . " He chides before sliding into the seat, his dark blue jumper really brining out his eyes. You were suddenly glad Arron hadn't shown his face, this, this was Devine intervention at its best. A too good to be true moment, brought to you by this mysterious stranger. 

. . . . . 

"And then . .  and here's what really bites the biscuit . . .  she tells me that I need to go on a nudest camping trip with her father and all her brothers if I want to be a part of her world." 

"Wow, thats quite something" You say slightly mesmerised at someone finding that normal. 

"You're not going to tell me I'd have to do that to ask you on a real date are you?" Steve tests the waters. 

"A real date huh?" You pout, with an intrigued brow raise. 

"A real date" he nods again, looking directly at you as he takes his last spoonful of dessert... you clear your throat as you try to look away from his tongue as he licks the spoon. 

"Erm no, no no... my family is ... non existent so no naked trips for you" you smile playfully. 

"I'm so sorry. . ." He frowns "I lost my mum and I don't speak to my Dad so" he says softly. 

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