Chapter Six: Boiling Point

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"What are you cooking up?" You stroll over to the kitchen before sliding your arms around Steves abs, peaking up at him. 

"Thought Ann might enjoy meatballs . . ." He says with some passion as he cooks, you peer over at the meat beside you. He spots you looking and decides to stop stirring and spin round, so to kiss you and distract you. You were to innocent to have the likes of him and Ann in your life, he knew it, but the fact you loved him anyway caused him to look at you like he'd won the best prise in the world, like all his dreams had come true. 

"Did you find your dream house yet?" He ask softly as he holds you looking down as you look up. 

"I have seen a few, nice neighbourhoods, close to town, good catchment areas for schools. . ." you drag the last few words out. 

"You're looking at houses by schools?" He arches a brow. 

"Yes. . ." You say timidly "I just thought you know, well I always wanted to, but if you don't I could . . ." 

"Y/N . . ." 

"Hmm?" You bite your lip as you stop talking, his tone authoritative as he looks at you. 

"Nothing would make me happier, than to start a family with you." You blush at his words, this was everything you'd wanted when you met him. . . well, almost everything. . . but perhaps, if could accept Ann as part of your life, then you could accept his usual appetites and plans for the future. 

"Ann doesn't tend to eat her victims. . ." You tilt your head at the spaghetti begins to boil over. 

"Lucky it's not one of hers then isn't it?" He wiggles his brow before you let go of him and he tends to the food. 

. . . . . . . 


"Bone apatite" Steve slides the meal across the table to Ann, cuffed to the table she looks down. 

"Who's this then?" She prods with her free hand at the meatball. 

"Who said it was anyone?" Steve shrugs petulantly. 

Ann groans "I'm not daft, I've do this to remember, so, who am I eating?" She repeats the question with gusto, Steve felt like for once he might have met someone that truly understood, not that Y/N didn't but, yours was more of a tolerating, not a active participating. Which he didn't mind, you could do whatever you liked and he'd let you, he really would. He loved you so much and that was why he wanted to get to know Ann, person that saved your life. 

"Rachel . ." Steve shifts from the other side, digging into his half "last little bit" 

"Lucky me. . ." Ann pops her lips scarastically before taking a bite "weird." She says thoughtfully as she chews. It was actually rather delicious but Ann wasn't going to let him know that, in fact anyone know that. He was really trying to be lovely and she suddenly felt bad as a slight wave of disappointment passed over him before he plastered on a front of contempt towards each other. Maybe Y/N was right, she needed to give him a chance. . . but no, she wasn't being locked away again, not like that, by either of them. 

"Weird?" Steve scoffs. 

"You heard me, dream boat. . . it tastes weird . . . " 

"Its a very expensive weird . . ." He give Ann a look. 

"Oh cheer up you grumpy murderous loonie" Ann begins to laugh, as she theoretically scoops up pasta and eats it. "You're not a bad cook." She decides to let slip a complement, at least no one could argue she didn't try. 

"I know" She's greeted with his sassy reply. 

"Modest too, maybe Y/N was right, maybe we can get on." She winks playfully, drinking her wine. 

"I would have preferred her here. . ." Steve grunts. 

"No no, this is just me and you time, time to bond for her sake." Ann says diplomatically "plus, I want to talk tactics, and so probably best she's not aware of that." Ann thinks of her plan as she drains her wine glass. 

"Tatics?" Steve asks intrigued. 

"Yes, you're so clean and organised. . . I'm more. . . " Her outward thoughts are interrupted. 

"Of a mess?" Steve prompts, getting a laugh he hadn't expected out of Ann. 

"Passionate, if you don't mind." She corrects playfully. 

"Passionate it is then . . ." Steve sipped his wine too "so what do you wanna know?"

"How much did that little, operating room downstairs cost you?. . . Oh don't look so shock. . . there are no secrets between us. . ." Ann gives a sickly sweet smile, her hand reaching out for Steves. Steve is a little hesitant and moves it away, Ann pouts before pulling it back and putting it under her chin. "You're very precise, I'm more chop and hack you see, so I'm just curious. . .more wine?" Ann hold up her empty glass. 

"Sure. . ." Steve said slowly standing and walking back to the counter with his and Ann's glasses. He turns his back to pour the wine as he begins talking about the routine and the construction of his operating theatre. While Ann, slides her hand out of the cuffs, biting down on her napkin as she squeezes her delicate hands out of the tiny cuff, each bone in her hand resisting and resting until eventually they begin to give way, snapping and breaking one by one as she slowly, takes her hand out of the restraint, her hand floppy, shards of bone sticking out around her knuckles. 

"FUCK!!!" she finally screams as she drops the napkin out of her mouth. . . "Mother of FUCK" 

"WHAT THE HELL??" Steve sees the sate of Ann's hand as she stands, the cuff dropping from the floor. 

"I'm off and I'm taking Y/N with me . . ." Ann leaps across the room, grabbing a knife with her good hand, Steve doing the same as they both almost dance around the island in the kitchen. 

"You put that knife down, and you leave Y/N with me. Crazy fucking bitch." Steve gasps, part stunned, party furious, part impressed but most of all, thinking of you. You'd wanted this to go so well. 

"Hmmm how about no?" Ann shrugs. 

"You're gonna regret that . . ." Steve lurches as Ann makes a break for it towards the back door slamming the fridge door in Steve face to give herself a head start. 

"You know, this is no hard feelings, I actually might be tempted to take you off Y/N's hands but. . .  I am not getting locked away again. . . no way. . .nuh uh. . ." She shouts as she slams the back door shut and starts pegging it into the slowly approaching night. 

"Fuck sake, so many fucking trees. . . " Ann winces as she walks across the field, her hand tucked into the opposite armpit. 

"We're not going to lock you away Ann!!" 

"Y/N!!!!" Ann screams out, not sure where to go, her plan backfiring on her spectacularly. 

"ANN!!! COME THE FUCK BACK. . ." Steve stalks across the grass towards Ann as she runs towards the tree. . . 

"LYING BITCH . . ." Ann frowns speaking aloud "THERE IS NO PATHWAY!!!" 

"ANN!!" Steve comes closer hearing Ann cursing loudly he follows the sound of her talking and begins to run as he hears your name. 

"Oh my god. . . " Ann sighs "fine alright, have it your way . . . Y/N. . ." Theres a pause, silence, before a huge scream is let. 

"Y/N?!?!?!" Steve comes running, only to find a big pool of fresh blood at his feet. 

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