Chapter Seven: Keep It Fresh

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Seven Years Later

. . . . WITH STEVE . . . .

Steve is greeted with about as much contempt as another human could come up with. 

"You didn't come home last night . . . " 

"I know. . . " He replies, a little more sharply than he'd intended. One look in the mirror the morning after was enough to remind himself he'd been out of order and the regret was already eating away at him. 

"We were worried about you." 

"I'm sorry I made you worry"

"And thats all you're going to say about it is it?" 

"Yep" he pops he P. 

"I hope she tastes rotten . . ." and with that Steve is left in the kitchen on his own. "FUCK" he slams down his hand on the kitchen counter. 

. . . . END OF STEVE POV. . . .

. . . . Normal POV. . . .

'He was so gentlemanly about it'

"So what? You didn't get that D?" You laugh hearty at Mollie's reply as you listen to Noa on the phone. The rest of your colleagues all shining round to stare, you pull an 'oopsie' face a Mollie who shrugs them off. 

'Somewhere between the second and third drink I was like, fuck it, it was actually very freeing but he wasn't ready so we didn't and I was drunk. Lovely right?.' 

"My fuck it advice always works..."

"Its true, it really does." You agree making Noa laugh down the phone, the two knew you lived a quiet domestic life and you defiantly didn't go around saying fuck it to sleeping with random men. "So he stayed but he didn't sleep with you?"

'Yeah but I mean, I wasn't worried about what I looked like, I think I really like him. . . Maybe soon we'll. . .  I bet he'll be amazing and big. . .'


"Whats his instagram, I wanna stalk him a little bit. . . " You say smiling at Mollies reaction to the ins and outs of Noa's sex life. 

'Oh er, he doesn't have one'

"Wait what?" Mollie said astounded


"Oh no you see, thats, thats shady I'm sorry. Red flag." You raise your hands and Mollie agrees. 

'Stop raining on my sex parade . . .  please. . . hey erm do you remember Paul' 

"Paul. . ." you frown "oh Mollie's Paul!"

"Oh Paul, wait" she turns to you "Mollies Paul, shut it Y/N" Mollie says playfully with a chuckle. 

'He was our waiter'

"Awwh Paul, you know I don't know why we stopped hooking up, he was a good guy, and a good kisser too."

"Probably because you can't be tamed. . ." 

'Y/N is right, you need to roam free'

"That is true. . ." 

"Alright, we gotta get back to work, love you!" 

'Love you more bye!'

. . . WITH STEVE . . .  .

"You have to try these short ribs they're insane. . ." Steve watches intently as Noa sits eating, oh ribs were defiantly on the menu. 

"Well, yeah uh they look really good but, I erm, I just don't eat animals" he looks back up at a wide eyed Noa as he sticks two chopsticks full of good I his mouth. 

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