chapter 2: poor Beam

Start from the beginning

"Haven't...cause no one can replace him" he said and chuck his beer in one go.

"Who is Nong New?" Ask Kit. Kit doesn't know because he became friends with Beam during first year in the uni.

Lam look at Forth "can i answer his question?" He ask and Forth just nods and excuse himself to go to the bathroom. Kit looked at Beam. He asked that question for Beams sake.
But Beam already know about Nong New and also Phana

"Nong New is Forths first love, they became boyfriends for almost 5 years but Nong New chooses to live in London, he chooses his dream to be a well known designer, at first they were ok with a LDR, they video call everytime but Nong New gets busier most of the time, he is the one to call it quits. He said he doesn't want Forth to spent his life to a relationships that was not meant to be together. In short, he chose his dream over Forth."  Said Lam. They all fell silent.

"And he still  waiting for him" said Park. They all fell silent again. Forths arrived again.

"Ok enough of my story..lets continue the game" he said.

"Ok..ok..lets continue" said Tul. They make jokes and funny faces to make the atmosphere alive again..but not for Beam. He is still quiet, he just smile, a smile that doesn't reach his eyes. And then the bottle stop infront of him.

"Ow..its your turn Beam" said Max. "Truth or dare"

Beam thinks hard, if he said this rate, surely he is drunk and might confess to he choose. "Dare" he said.

Tul and Max thinks hard what kind of dare theyre going to ask Beam, then Lam speak.

"Forth always says that you are not his type, for sure because youre a total opposite of Nong new. And this time i dare you to act cute and innocent infront of Forth, then act as if youre him that is totaly inlove with him" said Lam grinning.

"Hell no..." said Phana

"Why not Pha, this is just a game" said Park and Lam just smirk. Because he knows that Beam likes Forth, but he doesn't tell to anyone.

"But...." phanas words immediately cut by Beam

"Its ok Pha, i'll do it"said Beam.

"Youre going to act as if you are Nong New, Forths boyfriend and first love the whole night, act as if you truely love Forth." said Lam. "This is the least that i can do for you Beam" lam said mentally. And he just smiles at Beam.

Phana and Beam switched their sits, now Beam is besides Forth. At first he don't know what to do. Lam said, act as if he loves Forth, but for him he doesn't need to act..because he truely loves Forth.

At first he holds Forths hand holding the beer bottle. "Don't drink too much nah.." he said in a soft tone and stares at Forth. Everyone looked at them, silent. Forth also stares at Beams eyes, then he felt that Beam hold his hands and keep the beer bottle away from Forth. "It's not safe to drive while drunk. Just eat, enough of the beer" he said and put some food at Forths plate. Then Forth just follows his order.

Beam feeds Forth from his hands and Forth gladly accept it. Beam also eat from thesame spoon that he uses to Forth. And they eat together not minding the people around them. Lam smirk. Park nods, Max and tul just kept silent.  Phana and Kit? Well, they were worried for their friends sanity.

The truth or dare game has long forgotten, they just drinks their beer and look at the two being lovey dovey infront of them. There were times that Beam wipes the corner of Forths mouth with his thumb. And they hold hands, caressing both palms from time to time.

"They are good together" Max commented and Tul just nods.

"I hope Forth realized that Beam is good for him" said Lam almost in whisper but Park hears him

"What?" He ask and Lam whispers to him.

"Beam loves Forth?"

"Whaaattt?" Park nearly shout but Lam covers his mouth

"Sshhhh.." he said and look at his friends.

"Ow...i said something naughty to him thats why?" He lam said "ahm can we excuse ourselves for awhile, i need to get ice and Park will help me"  and the two went to the kitchen.

"What did you say?" Ask Park

"Beam loves Forth"


"Since middle school?"

"And Forth didn't know that?"

"Nope..because during that time, Forth only has eyes for Nong New."

"Oh my... poor Beam"

"Yah...poor Beam."

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