Bonus II

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   Azriel wasn't angered by Asterin's dismissal. In fact he was alright with it. There was one thing that lurked in the back in of his mind, did she get what she had finally wanted?.

The Shadowsinger was standing in the corner of the library hiding in the shadows. All of a sudden his shadows surrounded him. Everything seemed normal. Until he noticed he was no longer in the library.

He was now outside. Azriel looked around. Had he gone winnowed without knowing it? He was just about to winnow away once again when he noticed a massive castle. (Lets just pretend that Ardalan has a very good looking palace now)  There wasn't any castles like this in Prythian.. was there?

The Illryian looked up. Then he saw her. The woman that Asterin had once described to him, long, beautiful, white hair. A blood red cloak. Flying leathers. This was the Queen of the Crochan and Ironteeth witches.

"I told you how amazing she is." A voice behind Azriel sounded.

Instinctively the Shadowsinger turned around, only to see Asterin. The witch had a bright smile on her face.

"You made it." Azriel muttered softly.

"I did. And I'm so glad I did. I loved your world, Az. This is my home. I'm sorry my sisters and I left without warning." Asterin apologized taking a seat on the grass, "I've never told you a lot about my world have I?" The witch stated.

The Illyrian smiled, something rare, "I understand why you didn't want to stay any longer than you had to. I would've done the same."

Manon's second looked up, "You would've?"


She stood up and gave the Shadowsinger a hug, "Then go back to Prythian. That is your home, but please come back and visit again sometime."

Azriel smiled brightly. Something that no one has seen until that day, "I will be sure to do that, Asterin."

Shadows then swirled around Azriel. They disappeared. He was back in the library. The Illryian was at ease knowing his friend had gotten what she had desired.

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