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  I couldn't believe it.


All we were missing was Thea, Sorrel and Kaya!

I quickly made my way to where Lin was with my other sisters.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked when I made sure no one was paying attention.

"I wanted it to be a surprise," Lin chuckled, "But I did some sneaking around the Court of Nightmares and found Sorrel,"

"Actually I figured out that Sorrel was there," Vesta butted in.

Faline and Fallon snickered at the quick conversation.

"Well at least we found her. I'll bring her back here then all is left is Thea and Kaya," I stated.

"That shouldn't take to long with ten of us," Faline said.

"Yeah, it would also be easier with us in different regions," Fallon added.

"The meeting is going to start soon," a servant informed.

"Let's grab Ghislaine, Edda and Brair and let's go get Sorrel," Asterin suggested.

"Yeah, that's a good idea," Vesta agreed, "Wait here, I'll go get them,"

Vesta left the room that they were in to go and get Edda and Briar and Ghislaine

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