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I looked at Ardalan, it was all intact. Not the way that the Ironteeth legions had left it. We won.

"Isn't that Abraxos?" Sorrel pointed up.

I looked up, tears sprang into my eyes, "Yes, it is," I said wiping my eyes.

"Manon is here!" Edda said in a cheerful tone.

"I never thought I'd see her again," Briar mumbled.

I dismounted Narene, "Come, let's join them for a surprise dinner," I joked.

Naturally we all got in our perfect formation and walked up to the castle's doors.

They had made another castle as well.

I knocked firmly on the large doors, a guard opened it, "What do you need?" He asked.

"To see Queen Manon," I announced.

"The Queen is having dinner," The guard replied shutting the door.

I stuck my foot in the doorway, "It's important, sir," I was an effort to not push him aside and find my Queen.

"Alright, but it's not my problem if you get kicked out," He huffed as he opened the door for us.

Once we entered everything smelt new and fresh, "The dining room is this way ladies," The guard said taking lead.

We all followed behind him, anxious for the reunion, "I feel like I'm dreaming," Sorrel murmured from behind me.

I only nodded my agreement but in reality this was the realest moment of my existence.

"Here you go ma'ams," the guard said as he opening the dining room door, "Queen Manon, you have visitors,"

"Tell them to leave," Manon's voice was dull.

"They said it was important,"


The guard opened the door for us, I tried to keep my excitement contained.

Manon's head was still down looking at her plate. It wasn't until she sniffed that she looked up.

A broken sob came out of her as she beheld her Thirteen.

Dorian looked over to see what Manon was doing.

The Witch Queen leaked out of her chair and crashed into Asterin, "You're  alive.. you're all alive," She sobbed into my arms.

"Yes Manon, we are here," I consoled my cousin.

What I didn't notice was everyone else besides Manon and Dorian.

"Is that the Thirteen?" Aelin murmured to Rowan. The hawk nodded, "How?"

"I- I don't know," Rowan answered.

"I- I thought you d- died," Manon stumbled as she didn't let go of me like I'd disappear.

"Me too," I murmured.

She looked up, both hands on my shoulders, "How Asterin, How are you not dead? I saw you die," Her voice wobbled

"I don't know, I really don't know. All that matters now is that we're back with you,"

"How'd you get back?"

"It's- complicated. Pretty complex, all I'll say is ancient spells and magic,"

"Asterin, Sorrel, Vesta, Faline, Fallon, Edda, Briar, Thea, Kaya, Lin, Ghislaine, and Imgoen," She whispered.

"We're here," I said as I kissed her brow, "We'll never leave again,"

"Thank the Three Faced Mother," Manon mumbled, "Also there is something else,"

"Hm?" I asked.

"I'm pregnant," Manon announced.

I heard everyone but Dorian gasp. I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face. I kissed her forehead and hugged her again.

"What's her name?" I asked


                            The End

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