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  My first instinct after the man asked that question was to rip out his throat for even mentioning them but I calmed my nerves, "Who knows, dead like the two Matrons, or alive like me," I smiled a smile that was just teeth, no iron.

They all blow led at me if I were crazy, "Don't look at me if I'm crazy, the Three Faced Goddess could've gave them the same grace," I shrugged.

I walked closer to the group, I needed to see if they were Morath's slaves even if we weren't even in the same realm. I looked up at the long-haired mama first, I gave him a look slam it saying that's I wasn't going to harm him as I grabbed his hands and checked for a wrydstone ring.

Each of them looked equally as confused as I went down the line, each of them allowing me to look on their hands.

Once I reached the man with seven blue gems plastered on him I realized that shadows curled around him. Oh Edda and Briar would love him. He stiffened severely as I grabbed his hands.

I examined the scars on them, that was probably why he was so stiff. But as I checked one hand and put it down I grabbed the other, it was decorated with the same burn scars. It reminded me of the seven letters that were branded on my abdomen.

Once I put down his other hand I looked up at him in the eyes, "They are beautiful, even if you think otherwise," I meant those words, the scars were magnificent.

I reached the last girl, she gave me her hands, not as much fear danced around her as before. I liked her a lot, she reminded me of Elide.

I tooled both of her hands in mine, "Back at my world, there is a girl named Elide that reminds me very much of you, she is my friend. I hope that you shall be mine here as well for as long as I stay here," I spoke softly as I held her hands.

As I stepped back I winced, it was extremely awkward how I first got here, "Sorry about that... I just wanted to make sure you weren't Morath's cronies, I'm Asterin, Asterin Blackbeak.. and again I'm sorry for uh- that,"

"I'm Cassian, by the way Asterin, and they are; Mor, Elain, Azriel, and High Lord Rhysand.. I understand you checking us but why just our hands, was there some symbol or something?" Cassian asked.

By now I figured it wouldn't hurt to tell them a kit back at home, Morath.. they have ribn's and collars made of a foreign material, and once the ring or collar is put upon you a demon takes over you, you will barely know who or what you are.. I could go more into fealty about how it is," I explained.

Rhysand looked at me for a second, "So if a ring or collar was placed upon anybody they wouldn't become a slave," he asked.

"They would become an emotionless slave to whoever put the item on them, collars are far stronger than rings. In fact I know a man who broke free of a collar, he said he was forced to kill people and he just wanted it to end very badly," I kept going on about the collars. It was kinda fun I had to admit.

"It's possible to fight whatever is taking you over?" Elain asked, she seemed braver than before.

"Yes.. it takes extreme will, I knew a woman who successfully defeated the demon inside her but she was still a slave but since she wasn't completely bound she killed her self and took a third of Morath with her," I said as I scrunched myself brows recalling the memory.

Rhysand opened his mouth to say something more but I spoke up before he could continue, "If you don't mind I don't like the idea of sharing this in public,"

"Yes.. That is true," The High Lord said and for a moment I saw darkness and then I was in a house.

"Wha-?" I asked in utter confusion.

"Winnowing," Elain said for Rhysand, he gestured for me to sit down, I did.

As I sat down on one of the couches, Rhys and Mor said on the one across from me, and Cassian was one one side of me. Elain on the other with Azriel standings in the corner with shadows swirling around his fingers.

Before Rhysand could speak I asked just of settle my curiosity, "What are those litttel gem looking things on those two," meaning Cassian and Azriel.

"Siphons, they hold power, the more an Illyrian has, the stronger they are. Az and I have the seven large ones. We are the strongest warriors in Prythian," Cassian said.

I just raised my eyebrows then looked at Rhysand to him to say whatever the hell he was going to, "Tell me more about the valg," It was the command in his voice that made me intrigued.

I rolled my shoulders and turned upside down on the couch, "Well.. there is a lot, but I suppose for starters, it all started with three valg kings, all brothers, Orcus, the oldest, then it goes Mantyx then Erawan," I started.

"Which valg king is at your.. world," Elain asked. Honestly I was surprised that she was interested in what I was saying.

"Erawan. Anyways," I sighed, "The next highest  position with the valg is the princes and princesses. They are both rare, but the females are far rarer," I stopped for a moment. I realized I didn't know half of this stuff when I was fighting on the battlefield, maybe a gift from the Three Faced Mother.

"The valg princes are very.. creative with killing you I suppose you could say it. They take ahold of your mind and start feeding off of your worst memories that slowly drain the life out of you until you are a literal husk," I said recalling when I was showed over and over again about my stillborn witchling.

"Then after them is the basic foot solider, they are easy to kill with just a swipe of a blade and their head comes off. Though they are but aren't fun to kill. I mean it's easy to slaughter people but not when their blood smells as horrid as it does," I chuckled.

"Is Erawan dead?" Mor asked, she seemed like she was being read a bedtime story.

I merely shrugged, "Once me and my coven yielded ourselves it was only to take down the witch tower, Ironteeth and valg demons that were overpowering us,"

"What if you didn't win the war?" Elain asked her. Luce stronger than last time, "We all become Morath's slaves I guess," I said as messed with the leather band on my forehead.

"Why are you telling us all of this.. you just come into this world and already you are telling us things, Asterin," Azriel questioned.

"It's not like you could even do anything from here anyways so why not satisfy your curiosity," I hummed.

Rhys looked me up and down, "Will the valg come here?" His voice was quiet, fear?

"There are chances," I said blandly.

"You were on the battlefields there, how good of a fighter are you?" The High Lord asked.

"Yes, not as good as some in my coven, but yes, I am a good fighter," I said. I was wondering where this conversation was going.

"Well, Asterin Blackbeak, I trust you so why not give you a job while you are here," He asked. His smile, unyielding.

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