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  I walked over to the gate and placed my hand on it. It let out a groan as it opened. As far as I could see into the world it was all Mountains, trees, and just wildlife. In the center was a very very large building though.

"Of course Ghislaine would be transported here," I murmured as I walked into it.

Almost immediately I was on a stone path with female and males walking around and talking.

Peaceful as it seemed, I still have to find Ghislaine wherever the hell she is.

No one seemed to pay any attention to me as I walked to the large building, would it be hard to find Ghislaine?

I let the thought drift pass as I rescued the two large, wooden door.

As I pushed them open a large groan came from them and I beheld more faes and humans that I could see. There could possibly be other species around like witches but it really didn't matter.

I spotted a woman sitting at a desk. She had brown hair, blue eyes and was wearing glasses. Due to the pointed ears I could tell she was a fae woman.

On the front of the desk there was the words front desk carved at the upper right corner.

That's be a good place to start. I approached the woman trying to look as much as the others there as I could.

"Hello Ma'am," I greeted as I finally made my way over to the desk.

"Hello miss, how may I help you?" He voice was sweet as she looked up from the book she was writing in.

"Do you by any chance know where Ghislaine Blackbeak is?" I asked praying that I'd get an answer.

"Oh! Miss Blackbeak! What a wonder she is," The female said with a bright smile, "She is in the third floor at the library to the right, I just spoke to her about twenty minutes ago so she should still be there," The lady said as she adjusted her shirt.

I quickly nodded my thanks and made my way up to the third floor.

Third floor to the right library. I kept repeating those words in my head.

Once I made  it to the third floor I turned right and aimed for the door that said Northern library.

I opened the door and looked around the massive library.

People were everywhere either reading, searching for book, or putting them away.

My eyes began searching for the dark, curly haired witch.

She liked historical books right? So she should be in the section. I started looking at the signs until I found the History one and began my walk over.

I was tingling with excitement. It had been months since I had seen any of my sisters. I could only imagine what it'd be like once the Thirteen reunited at the Wastes. It brought a small smile to my face as I turned down the isle.

My smile grew wider as I beheld the intelligent witch  right in front of me.

Risen Witchحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن