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The warm embrace of death was not how I expected it to be.  I thought it would be soft and carry me to the underworld.. not almost as if I was flying Narene in a thunderstorm. Though what was I supposed to know about death?

House of Wind-

Mor popped open a bottle of wine a sat herself down on the couch. Cassian was just watching the bottle in her hands as if he was going to steal it.

Azriel sat on the opposite couch from Mor and silently drank his coffee as his shadows swarmed around him. He had to admit it was nice now that the war had ended.

"Az!" Cassian groaned from the other side of the room, "Can you tell Mor that she doesn't need an entire bottle of wine and she can share with me?"

Azriel just looked at his brother and breathed out of his nose. He was going to make a snarky reply until Elain walked into the room. Her face looked pale and she seemed frightened.

"Azriel," she whispered, "I think you need to come see this," Azriel slowly rose from his seat and walked towards Elain.

"What is it?" He asked in a calm and gentle voice not trying to panic Elain more even though he was worried on what had frightened her.
Elain had gestured for him to follow, " I-I was out gardening and I decided to take a walk around Velaris for a while and by the seashore... I don't know how to explain it.. but I was looking at the sea and itwas almost as if the waves were trying to.. uh open a portal I guess?"

Azriel raised an eyebrow as he followed Elain down to the streets of Velaris, "What do you mean?" He asked.

"Can you just winnow over to the eastern shore because it might disappear," was Elain's only reply so Azriel did what he was asked and winnowed over the shore.

Azriel then saw what Elain meant. There was a wave that was staying completely still and a growing vortex at center of it.

"S-should we get Rhys or Feyre?" Elain asked. Azriel looked at the vortex and blinked at it just to make sure he went hallucinating.

"Elain, you stay here and keep watch and I'll go grab Rhys," Azriel said as he rested a hand on Elain's shoulder. She nodded in reply.


It went from flying in the never-ending darkness to being thrown in an ocean.. or at least it felt like it.

I couldn't move my body no matter how hard I tried. It didn't feel like I was drowning, though I tried to thrash around... to get out using my iron claws. Nothing seemed to work so I just gave up and waited for the Three-faced Mother to do what she had destined for me.

House of Wind

Azriel quickly winnowed back up to the House of Wind and flew up all the way into the house. He tried not to seem so panicked but his shadows told him that it wasn't right and it was very wrong.

As soon as he landed he made his way into the dining room where everyone else was eating lunch.

Azriel approached Rhys gave him a look then opened his mind for him to see the vortex.

After Rhys had left his mind Azriel had put back up him mind shields and Rhysand had stood up.

"Feyre, Mor, Cassian, come with me," The High Lord said.
They followed Rhysand out of the House of Wind then he winnowed them over to the shore where Elain was last.

Once the five were at the shore they made their way closer to the sea. Though they didn't see it coming as water splashed all over them and two things came out of the water.

No one had time to shield themselves from the upcoming wave of water. It had took a moment to see what had come from the portal.

"Mother," Cassian said wide eyed as he looked at the dragon-looking creature and the golden-haired girl coughing up water.

Elain had left Azriel's side and went down to the girl.


I don't know what happened, one moment I felt as if I were the water and the next I was being thrown out into land.

I started coughing up water from the tremendous splash. I closed my eyes to prevent any water falling in them. Though when I cracked them open I saw a passed out Narene right beside me.

I kept trying to get the water out of my lungs I barley noticed the girl that knelt down beside me.. she looked like Elide- no,it couldn't be her. This girl had lighter hair.

As soon as my coughing fit faded my limbs trembled as I sat on my knees wiping the remainder of water from my eyes. Then I saw them all.

I saw a man with longer black hair approaching Narene with a sword as if he was going to kill her. My eyes grew. I realized I was alive again, so was Narene. I wouldn't let her die again.

"No!" My voice was barely a rasp, "No," I repeated before I fainted.

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