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Once I made it back to the House of Wind it was an effort to keep my happiness contained, even Narene seemed to know what was going on.

I went straight back to the library to see if I could find anymore information, anything would be useful to help me find my sisters now that I know they are all actually alive.

"You always seem to be going to the library, why?" Someone asked from behind me as I made it to the library doors. Nesta.

I turned around, "I just like to read, I see you in the library quiet often too," I replied.

"Yes.." Nesta said slowly, "I work here as well as finding books to read. What do you like?"

"I like history," I replied not a full lie.

"Mm, I like romances," Nesta hummed.

I nodded my head as I entered the library, then a thought came to my head, what if other's could feel if portals to other realms were opening?

I shook off the thought as I walked to the lower levels of the library.

"I still can't believe I'm not dead," I mumbled as I examined the books.

As I finally grabbed one off the shelf and sat down in a chair a note appeared.

"Already?" I said with shock as I picked up the letter.

   Dear Asterin,

   I know it has been only a few hours but I do have delightful news. The High Lord of Day, Helion, was quick to take me in as his second.

I've already begun my search in the hundreds of libraries and found some books that do seem like they'd hold some valuable information. I have yet to read any of the books, but mainly I've written this to tell you that I've been into Helion's Trove and I think I found at least four objects that call to me, please let me know what you think.

The items are-


I also found a pair of earrings that called but it seemed far to distant.

I do want your assistance while traveling through these realms and please do tell me if I should grab the earrings as well.

Sincerely, Ghislaine

I looked over the letter, Ghislaine must be quite the charmer.

I picked up the pen and began my note back


  I do think that you seem to be quite the charmer to already become Helion's second.

Anyways take your time to get closer with the High Lord before taking the items, do include the earrings.

Also experiment with spells and different marks in those books you find or have Helion teach you sometime. Please write back if you find anymore information, I will try to do my best with informing both you and Lin.


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