Minutes later

Excuse me,  Salvatore said from behind the director.

The director turns towards Salvatore and tells him everything. Salvatore is completely shocked. He rushes in the main cabin .

Salvatore's POV

I don't know what is happening. My head is spinning. I need to get the details.

As soon as I enter the cabin. I hear someone crying as soon as I pass that person without looking at the person.

Someone helds my hand. I was thrilled, I don't know why? I felt a little rush. My eyes widened and already they were full of tears. I turned. I was shocked....shocked to see szazy.

Szazy......Szazy you here?  I said holding her hands. 

Salvatore .....she cries and hugs me tightly.

I hugged her back, I was happy to see her but my mind was still occupied with a lot of questions of her here and Julie's missing. My brain was unable to process anything. 

After a minute I asked her again as we separated.

She was crying so much that I wiped her tears away with my fingers. I pulled up her chin to make her look at me. Minutes later she said....

Franky Is unconscious since long... He was driving for your sister. Cassandra is in the hospital. Everyone is blaming Franky.

My brain bursted as she said this.

What the hell you both are doing in Los Angeles? I shout.

She gets afraid, and said: we shifted here when Franky and I were removed from our jobs by Julie ma'am.

Wow!  I know Franklin for sure did something. This is all pre planned isn't it Szazy? I again shout.

No,  never, she holds my hand again and tries to calm me. Instead, I pushed her away and she trips.

Stay away from me,  I shout .

She gets up, and leaves the cabin crying.

Seconds later I realized I shouldn't have done that. I feel sorry. But because of her mother Fucker husband I can't do anything. I am sure he did something and she is also a participant there. Love is something different but nothing will ever come before my family.

I wish if I had the pen of destiny, so that I could write us together in the story of my life. But I think this is impossible, specially when she have a husband who is a dickhead and I think she is also helping her husband. Szazy Atherton it was the first time I was in love but now that love turned in hatred I think.  I never believed in love like stupid things. But now i did and now only you had to do this. Thanks Szazy for this lovely gift

Excuse me,  Mr. Salvatore, my thoughts are broken down by someone's voice.

Yeah, Salvatore said.

I am Mr. Robert, I called you in the morning.

Yes, what is going on? Any update? Any clue? Where is she? Salvatore asked.

Can we talk in the cabin? Because you already shouted A lot on Miss. Atherton, inspector said.

Sure, and I am sorry for that, Salvatore sighs.

In the cabin

Only you both are there? Inspector asks by looking at William and Salvatore.

Yeah, Salvatore answers.

OK. So first off all, I think your sister is kidnapped, she is missing since a few hours and nowadays it's common. I think she is kidnapped for money or something. Or maybe because of some rivalry.

That's not possible, Salvatore rolls his eyes.

It can be,  bit we are trying our best to search her.  Mr. Atherton and Miss. Scott may have seen the faces maybe of the kidnappers. I am waiting for them to gain consciousness, the inspector said.

Fuck, tell me how much time you will take to find my sister. She is the only family member of mine. I need her back soon.  And do anything to bring those two unconscious people back to normal, do anything throw buckets of water or do whatever you want to do with them, I want my sister soon, Salvatore shouted and threw the pen stand from the table.

Sir,  calm down, William gives water to salvatore.

Sorry, just got heated up, Salvatore says.

Fine, don't repeat again, the inspector warns.

Did miss Julie have any rivals?  Inspector asked.

No,  but she was kidnapped before few months and now again she is,  Salvatore rolls his eyes.

That's a good Lead. What happened then? Inspector asked again.

Nothing she came back without a scratch. She ran from that place and we had Mrs. Emma Smith, she is a police officer working in the police station in San Francisco. She stayed with us for 2 months. According to Julie those kidnappers left her alone to run away.

Oh ok, I will contact Mrs. Emma Smith for further information. I will contact you too soon. Till the time you can leave, the inspector said.

Ya ok, find Julie as soon as possible, Salvatore said and left.

Sure,  inspector said.

Out of the police station

William you get a taxi, Salvatore ordered.

OK sir, William said.

Salvatore's POV

I should not have been so cruel with her.  But if she is not the one helping Franklin she is his wife and I know she will do anything to save him. I love her but not at the cost of my family. Sorry Szazy I didn't wanted to push you but my frustration and anger made me do that.  I am really sorry.

I look at the sky, tears rolled down my cheeks because of Julie's missing and the way I treated Szazy. I will never forget this day. Never ever. Minutes later William comes with a taxi and we leave to find a hotel.

Sorry for the shorter update.

Believe me you won't regret it.  The drama coming up Is amazing.

I hope you all liked the chapter

I love you all 😍😍

Have a good day/ night.

Take care 😊

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