"Ah, well." Will ducked his head, "It's a family ring, a bit large for Ana, but it's what I wanted to use. Thank you though, Mrs. Dalian."

She looked back to me, "And are you truly happy with this, Anastasia?"

"Oh Mother, I don't think I could be happier." I hugged her tight again, feeling a sting come to my eyes. There was only one thing that would have made it better, to have Father here to clap Will on the back and offer him a drink. But I couldn't dwell on that, not when I had the two people dearest to me right here. "Has everything been alright while I've been gone?"

"Yes, yes." She shook her head, "Samantha Reichster has been trying to spread rumors, but when isn't that woman spitting venom? Oh, Mr. Murdoch, I had Gareth-" Her voice caught, and she took a deep breath. "I had Gareth's humidor upstairs restocked, please, go fetch a cigar to celebrate with us down here." I saw a huge smile break out on Will's face, and he quickly set off up the stairs. Mother waited until his footsteps faded before turning to me, "Has he been proper with you? Ezekiel mentioned that you spent some time with him unchaperoned."

I could feel my cheeks burning, "He has been nothing but proper Mother, and so kind."

"You had separate cabins on the way back?"

"Yes Mother," I kept my words short, not trusting my face. "And we only promenaded when others could see us."

She returned to her chair, a smile still on her face. "I know you have a predilection for staying close to him, especially at night." Her eyebrows went up, a knowing look gleaming in her eye. "I am afraid I am going to have to insist for it to stop, until your wedding. He is welcome to stay in the house with you, in the room you gave him before, but I have given strict orders to the staff. Separate rooms, and if you do not obey that rule, I will have them lock you in at night."

I had to bite back my first reaction, taming my voice down from the yell that I wanted to release. "Mother, don't you trust me? Or Will?"

"Oh I trust each of you on your own." She gave a short laugh, "But together? I'm afraid not. And when we head up to Newport it will be the same. Speaking of Newport, how is his wardrobe? Yours will suffice, the order from Paris arrived while you were away. I am afraid you two will have to be our representatives at the various parties, etiquette and all."

"It is rather lacking." I sat down, brushing my hands over my skirt. "We brought back a good deal of what he has, several suits and his uniforms. A few hats, shoes, but that's about it."

"Nothing formal?"

"Not outside of his uniforms."

"Hmmm," She hummed, considering for a moment. "I will see about engaging a valet for him quickly, Peggy has already interviewed several ladies maids for you and was only awaiting your decision."

"I brought up a valet to him earlier, he won't even think of it."

"Honestly, what is it with the men we fall for?" Mother smiled, her eyes far away. "Gareth only hired one after we got engaged and I forced him to."

"Perhaps you can force Will to accept one?"

"I think that's your duty." She turned, looking up. I could smell the cigar smoke behind me, sweeter than the cigarettes I had smelled on him the other day. "Wouldn't you agree, William?"

"I'm afraid I'm not going to agree to anything unless I know exactly what it is." Will chuckled, coming to sit on the settee. "What is it?"

"A valet, for you." I smirked, seeing his brow immediately furrow. "It's a part of life when you live like we do, Will. And he doesn't just help you get dressed, he helps with correspondence, with sending messages. Some of them even act like bodyguards."

Cold All the Way Through, But WarmingWhere stories live. Discover now