Chapter 26 | The Day of Decision

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It was before noon. The weather was slightly gloomy, a faint wind blew.

Lan Zhan said goodbye to Xiao Xingchen, who decided to return to the castle. After the beta left, Lan Zhan went back to the house. He heard Wei Ying's voice, so he went into the living room. But when he got there, he saw omega talking to his father on the phone.

Wei Changze had to go to the city to help Lan Xichen with a case, but he promised Cangse Sanren that he would definitely return home by early evening.

Lan Zhan didn't want to disturb the omega, so he turned around, but then he didn't go to the omega's room. Instead, Lan Zhan went out to the backyard of the house and took a short walk, while he waited for Wei Ying to finish his phone call.

 Instead, Lan Zhan went out to the backyard of the house and took a short walk, while he waited for Wei Ying to finish his phone call

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

A few minutes later, Wei Ying left the living room. He went into his room, but the alpha was not there. However, through the window he saw Lan Zhan in the backyard, standing with his hands behind his back, staring into the distance. The omega left his room and went out to meet him.

Wei Ying went out on the porch, but when he reached the stairs, his nose was struck by the smell of a familiar wolf. The black wolf reappeared where it had been last night, but this time he stayed in the bushes. He watched Wei Ying for a while and then disappeared. Wei Ying decided to follow him to find out what the wolf wanted from him. He went after the wolf, instead of the alpha. Wei Ying went through the bushes where the mysterious black wolf disappeared. He took a small walk, but because of his thoughts he did not realize that he was moving away from the house.

Finally Wei Ying stopped only when a slight breeze carried a scent towards him that the omega had not smelled for a very long time; - the scent of mint and lemon that always told him that his grandmother was near him. As the omega followed the scent and walked on, he remembered memories of his grandmother.

When he was little, many mornings he would see his grandmother sitting in the swing in the back yard, listening to the birds chirping, holding a cup of tea in her hand. She spent a lot of time with Wei Ying, they talked a lot while walking in the forest. They often went out in the evening to the big field near the house so that Wei Ying could feel the freedom, he rarely got from his parents. Under the stars, Wei Ying always wished that one day he too would find an alpha companion that omegas wanted; An alpha that Wei Ying can always count on. An alpha, who will love and not possess him, and who will protect him and not take advantage of him. Wei Ying believed in this dream, and every time he told his grandmother about it, she encouraged him not to give up on that dream.

"True love always begins magically and tells the most beautiful story." said the old omega woman to Wei Ying long ago.

Although her love story was not a beautiful one, unfortunately it ended tragically, she nevertheless hoped that her only grandchild would have a better love story. She was determined to protect him, even after death. But soon after she left, Wei Ying barely went to the field or to the swing. He was often lonely. His dreams and hopes faded, but his fears intensified again, especially after he encountered a giant monster one night.

Modern Beauty and the Beast [ Wangxian FF ] 🌹जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें