Chapter 11 | Like Storm Clouds

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Wei Ying and Xiao Xingchen were in the backyard. They weren't even halfway there when Song Lan spotted them and rushed over to them to help the omega.

The two betas brought the damaged omega into his room. Xiao Xingchen examined and bandaged Wei Ying's ankle. And after the omega was calmed and put to sleep, Xiao Xingchen wanted to examine Song Lan as well. However, Song Lan protested.

"Don't worry about me, Xiao Xingchen. I'm fine. .. i just stayed here to make sure Wei Ying is really okay. That's all."

"But Song Lan, your head is injured, bleeding. Please at least let me ..."

"I already said I'm fine. ..." - he tried to convince his friend, but seeing Xiao Xingchen's expression, he knew he couldn't. - "You stay with him, until I check on the yard to see if those wolves are stupid enough to come back here."

Song Lan walked out, but not because of the wolves, but to find Lan Zhan. For he spotted the monster hiding in the trees as he ran towards Xiao Xingchen and Wei Ying.

After a long search, Song Lan had just headed back to the prison, saw Lan Zhan stepping toward the terrace, staggering a little, but he stopped at the stairs and sat down. Although Song Lan was exhausted, he had enough strength left to inflict his anger on his alpha friend. But when Song Lan stood in front of Lan Zhan, his anger became a concern.

 But when Song Lan stood in front of Lan Zhan, his anger became a concern

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Lan Zhan was covered in scratches and bites. His injuries were not severe, for because of the curse they healed faster, yet now, in his human form, it had a slower effect. Song Lan knew this too, yet he looked at him anxiously at what Lan Zhan had noticed because of the great silence and glanced at him.

"You don't even have to ask. ... I'll be fine. As always." said simply, almost indifferently the alpha.

"Yeah, .. i know that too." - Song Lan replied, then resumed after a pause. - "But what I don't know is, where did you go?"

"I was in the woods, but .. I have no idea why I was there. .... Why? What happened? And what happened to you?" he asked as he looked at him more and more.

"I let you go because you asked." Song Lan replied, and Lan Zhan just looked at him questioningly. - "And after I did, you slapped me against the wall and ran away." - Song Lan sat down tiredly on the stairs next to Lan Zhan. - "When i recovered, i started looking for you. ... But instead of you, I found Xiao Xingchen as he walked out of the woods along with the injured Wei Ying."

"What?!!" the alpha exclaimed as he heard Song Lan say the name of the omega.

Lan Zhan jumped up and immediately ran to the omega. Entering Wei Ying's room, Lan Zhan saw the sleeping omega, and and a white, hairy dumpling curled up next to him — a bunny resting.

 Entering Wei Ying's room, Lan Zhan saw the sleeping omega, and and a white, hairy dumpling curled up next to him — a bunny resting

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Xiao Xingchen sat on the edge of the bed, who immediately motioned for him to be quiet. Lan Zhan walked over to him, grabbed his friend's arm and pulled him out of the room. They stopped in the corridor, and though speaking quietly, Lan Zhan was able to question him about the events.

"Song Lan told me that Wei Ying was injured. .. Tell me what happened to Wei Ying that night? Who had the courage to do this to him?"

"Calm down, okay?" - said Xiao Xingchen. - "Wei Ying told me that he couldn't sleep last night, so he went for a walk in the castle. But when he saw a shadow on the terrace, he thought it was you, so he went out to look for you. But then stray wolves attacked him. ... When I woke up to a huge roar, I ran towards the terrace. But by the time I got there I had seen you running into the woods after Wei Ying. That's when I noticed the wolves you knocked out. .. And when I finally found him, you and that wolf were gone, but his ankle was a little damaged."

"But he's better now, right?" Lan Zhan asked immediately.

"Yes, he's fine." - Xiao Xingchen replied with relief - "I gave him some soothing tea and he is sleeping now. Of course, in addition to the tea, my calming pheromones helped him, ... but it's clear that he would have fallen asleep much easier if you had been there for him, as you were last time."

"Yeah, I know. I would have been happy for that too.." - Lan Zhan sighed heavily and leaned back against the wall. - "If it wasn't for my curse, everything would be a lot easier."

After a long silence, Lan Zhan spoke again.

"But I don't understand that. Wolves have rarely come here so far, especially since I've been cursed. Then what could be this sudden change?" - Lan Zhan asked, but Xiao Xingchen did not answer, only his gaze was on a room. - "Do you think it was all because of that rabbit Wei Ying found recently?"

"I would rather guess the other bunny." said Xiao Xingchen.

Lan Zhan followed Xiao Xingchen's gaze and looked towards the room where Wei Ying was resting. He realized what Xiao Xingchen was referring to.

"Do you think ..." - Lan Zhan wanted to ask him, to which Xiao Xingchen immediately replied.

While Xiao Xingchen searched for Wei Ying, Song Lan carried the unconscious wolves into the prison. Once they were all inside the cell, Song Lan noticed that they were all wearing a thin, barely noticeable grey collar. And on them was a symbol that matched what Wen Ning had told them about the unknown alpha males - the ones who had first attacked Wei Ying - wearing the same tattoo on their wrists.

 And on them was a symbol that matched what Wen Ning had told them about the unknown alpha males - the ones who had first attacked Wei Ying - wearing the same tattoo on their wrists

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So the wolves belonged to Wei Ying's pursuer.

"I don't just think that, Lan Zhan. ... And, if all I've suspected so far is true ... I'm afraid Wei Ying is in great danger now."

Lan Zhan's hand clenched into a fist. He growled angrily. He clenched his jaw. He felt not only his own flaming anger, but also his inner demon... And then a dark desire reigned over him, to go out into the woods in his monster shape and find not only the escaped wolf but also the alpha, from whom Wei Ying must live in fear.

Once Lan Zhan finds them, they will not survive this encounter. If the curse has made him a monster, he will become one if he needs to.

His friend yanked Lan Zhan back from the darkness into reality again when the beta mentioned Wei Ying

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His friend yanked Lan Zhan back from the darkness into reality again when the beta mentioned Wei Ying.

"Even the target of those dirty wolves was none other than Wei Ying."  said Xiao Xingchen.

"But they will never achieve that. Because now they have become my target. .. And I will not rest until I hunt them all down." said the alpha with a cold look.


Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it! 🧡

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