Chapter 17 | The Night of Courage

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Song Lan entered through the back front door and began looking for the other beta. But when he reached the entrance, Song Lan was shocked by what he saw. His friend was lying on the floor at the open door. He hurried over to Xiao Xingchen immediately.

"Xiao Xingchen! ... Hey, wake up. Can you hear me? Xiao Xingchen!" said the beta while shaking him, but Xiao Xingchen didn't open his eyes.

As Song Lan turned his unconscious friend on his back, he finally noticed the great injury on Xiao Xingchen's forehead. The desperate beta did not try to recover Xiao Xingchen for long. Song Lan immediately picked him up from the cold floor and walked him into one of the rooms, then laid the beta on the bed.

"Hold on a little, while i come back ...." said Song Lan, then ran out of the room and checked the other rooms in the castle.

While Song Lan was away, Xiao Xingchen regained consciousness for a while. When Song Lan returned to the room, he went to bed to help the injured beta.

"Song Lan..."

"Xiao Xingchen? What happened to you? Who-" - Xiao Xingchen suddenly interrupted him.

"Someone attacked me and he might still be nearby. ... Tell Lan Zhan, right now!" he said softly, barely understandably.

Song Lan listened to him and ran out of the room. He was sneaking out the back entrance and looking around. As soon as he saw Lan Zhan and Wei Ying in the distance, he immediately began to run towards them.


Lan Zhan walked under the pavilion and stopped beside Wei Ying. But then there was a long silence between them. At first none of them dared to speak. They both stood tensely side by side.

"Uhm ... This place is very beautiful, isn't it?" the omega began to break the awkward silence between the two of them.

"Yes, it really is. .. But not as beautiful as you."

The omega blushed slightly, and to obscure his tiny smile, he tilted his head away.

"Thank you .. but i doubt that, Lan Zhan. Since, look around. It's magical."

"But that's the truth, Wei Ying. You're prettier." - confirmed by the alpha, and then continued after a short break. - "And, .. if we talk about the truth, I want to tell you something."

Lan Zhan tried to stay brave, but Wei Ying shocked him in no time.

"I'm looking forward to it." - the omega got serious, which made Lan Zhan a little confused. Wei Ying looked at him. - "Because I want to know this at last, Lan Zhan. .. What happened yesterday?"

"What do you mean?" the alpha asked a little startled.

"Yesterday, when I wanted to help you, .. you pushed me away from you. But why? Why did you do that, Lan Zhan?"

"I ... I didn't do that. I just ... I didn't want you to see me in a condition ..."

"What is the state you didn't want me to see you in? What do you think?" Wei Ying asked.

"When I look weak .. and vulnerable." - said these finally, Lan Zhan - "I didn't want you to see me as someone, I don't want to be in front of you anyway. .. I didn't want you to think of me as an alpha who couldn't protect you. ... I also hate myself for what I did, since that is not who I am. Because I...-"

"Hey, Lan Zhan ..." - the omega took his hand. - "I accept you, no matter what you are. Strong or weak, .. it doesn't matter to me. I like you, who you are. All that matters to me is what you feel and control you here." - the omega put his hand on Lan Zhan's chest, along with one of the alpha's hands that he had been holding. They looked into each other's eyes. - "The light of a pure heart always erupts, even from the greatest darkness."

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