Chapter 8 | The Whisper of the Heart

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Late in the morning, Wei Ying and Lan Zhan woke up at the same time. While the omega went to the bathroom, Lan Zhan went back to his own room.

Lan Zhan was finished first and went to the kitchen where Xiao Xingchen was already baking and prepared breakfast.

Lan Zhan was finished first and went to the kitchen where Xiao Xingchen was already baking and prepared breakfast

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"Good morning, Lan Zhan." said cheerfully the beta.

"You too."

"Wei Ying is also awake?"

"Yes, he will be here soon."

"All right." - Xiao Xingchen put the pancakes on the plates. Then he noticed that the alpha was drinking tea instead of coffee. He was a little surprised. - "Uhm, what happened to you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Since when do you like to have tea again? It's been several years since you last drank tea. I thought you gave it up forever."

"I didn't give up, I just didn't always feel like drinking tea. That's all."

"Yeah, .. for decades? .... Ah, I get it. It's because of the omega, isn't it?"

"You'd rather shut up-" Lan Zhan quickly fell silent when the omega arrived in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Wei Ying!" Xiao Xingchen greeted him.

"Good morning to you too, Xiao Xingchen!"

"You came just in time, i just made my famous pancake." said Xiao Xingchen

"Oh, I can not wait."

"Come sit down. I'll get you right away."

Wei Ying sat down at the table next to Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan leaned over to him.

"I forgot to ask you this morning. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, much better. Thank you for helping and staying there." he said and a small blush appeared on his face. The alpha noticed this and smiled.

"You're very welcome."

"Here it is." Xiao Xingchen said, and placed a plate in front of Wei Ying and then in front of Lan Zhan on the table as well. He made pancakes for both of them, giving only the omega's with strawberries and raspberries, and the alpha's with blueberries and banana slices as a beautiful fruity decoration.

"Thank you, Xiao Xingchen. It looks very good." Wei Ying said.

Xiao Xingchen also sat down at the table. They all ate their breakfast in good taste. But the beta spoke again.

"Wei Ying, do you feel better?"

"Yes, better. .. Why?"

"Lan Zhan told me me that a nightmare tormented you."

"Oh. .. Yeah, .... It seems like even in my dream, I can't escape that horrible alpha."

"I think the man who's chasing you won't stop until he finds you, right?"

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