Chapter 14

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Chapter 14
Runaway practice

I walked into practice a couple of days after and we began stretching once again. This is our last week of practice before we go on the set for the video. We only have twenty more seconds of the dance to get down before we're finished.

It's been close to three months of all this. I can't handle much more. Hee-Young yawned next to me. I looked over and bumped shoulders with her. She looked over from her stretch. Her eyes were half closed.

"You need to sleep more." I told her. She rolled her eyes and went back to stretching.

"I don't need sleep." She yawned again. "I'm fabulous." She said and rubbed her eyes. I stiffled a laugh and leaned the other way.

"My bra is more fabulous than you." I taunted. She looked over and glared before she turned the other way. I snickered under my breath.

"Your training bra." She corrected under her breath. I narrowed my eyes. Jerk. Such a jerk. I looked over at Ki and decided to stretch with her instead. I slid over. She looked up.

"What's up?" She asked. I shrugged and pushed a leg out and bent towards the side.

"Hee-Young is more like Hee-Bitch." I said. Ki nodded.

"She's nasty in the mornings." She said and bent back. We sat down on the floor and continued with the endless amount of stretches Mina wants us to do every practice.

"So how's the Sehunnie crush going?" She asked barely above a whisper. I haven't told her about the other night. I grunted as I stretched forward to touch the top of my shoe.

"It can't happen, I'm trying to forget about it." I said gruffly. Only Ki knows I really like him. Ja-Eui thinks it's a small crush and the others just like to joke about the impossible. "I can't confess without losing him in one way or another anyway." I said lightly my voice drowning out.

It feels like one of those stereotypical dramas. Girl is held back by fans or let's him go do his dreams. Along those sappy lines. Who knew my life could be just like a drama. Go figure.

I looked over. "What about you? How's the conflict?" I asked referring to the Zhou mi, Henry issue. Sometimes in our room she'll be texting them and she'd sigh. One of those long dragged out sighs. She doesn't know what to do.

She kept her eyes down as she reached over and copied the same pose I just had done. "I don't know. But every time I talk to them I get bubbly. I want to just know which one." She whispered over.

She pulled her hair out of her eyes. "There is no winning, is there?" She whispered. I nodded and kept my eyes down.

"Jessie!" I snapped my eyes up to Mi-Ok. She gave me a look and beckoned me over to her. She held a hair tie wide in her hand. I sighed and shook my head lightly.

Since my hair is so thick I don't keep it up because I get massive head aches from it, yet Mi-Ok still pushes it on me. I sneered and kept my eyes down at the floor. I'm not doing it. I couldn't get rid of how much my head hurt the other day. I'm not going to willingly subdue myself into that kind of torture.

The sick thing is she likes to do my hair. It's either Yvonne or me, she likes to experiment and we always become the testers. It sucks being the youngest.

Ki bumped shoulders with me. I looked over. Her brown bangs that usually fan the middle of her forehead were pulled back and into a puff on the top of her head. She leaned in and inclined her head ever so slightly. She was hinting. I looked the other way. My fingers gripped at the loose material of my sweatpants.

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