Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I sat at the edge of my bed. My mind running through the day over and over again. Blush fluttered across my body from just thinking back to it. I can deal with friends. Friends meant being by him.

When Ki walked into the room, she noticed my perched position on the edge of the bed. She stopped in the doorway. Her eyes looking me over. "What are you doing? Did Mi-Ok take your gameboy away?" She asked.

I smiled and shook my head. "Then why aren't you sleeping? You usually fall asleep right after practice." Ki observed. She walked over to her side of the room. Her bag hanging off her shoulder, she plopped it to the ground.

"I can't sleep." I told her as I shifted my body over. She looked up from pulling her hair out of a bun.

"That's a first. " she commented and smirked when meeting my eyes.

I pursed my lips, "I'm not always sleeping. " I told her as I ran my hands over the hills and downfalls of the comforter. She looked up from the task of pulling her hair back up with a tie.

"Why can't you?" She asked as I folded my legs together on the bed.

"I'm thinking. " I told her.

A third voice intruded, "You can think?" I heard Hee-Young. I looked over and glared as she bounded into the room and threw herself onto my bed. Her body taking up the whole mid section. Her leg went against my back and I huffed in return. I pushed her leg to the side.

"What are we talking about?" Hee-Young asked as she perched her head up on the back of her hand carefully. Her eyes darting back and forth between Ki and I.

I pushed her head to the side, "What makes you think you're in the conversation?" I asked. She looked up and pushed my side with her forearm.

"I'm Hee-Young, of course I'm in the conversation." She said cockily next to me. I rolled my eyes and pushed her back.

"No one likes you." I told her jokingly. She turned up and glared.

"I'm prettier than you, of course everyone likes me." She said as she tossed her hair to the side in the most annoying way. I rolled my eyes simply and turned back to Ki.

"I'm prettier right?" I asked her and smiled. She looked from Hee-Young to me. Her features twisted and then sighed.

"Why do you two do this?" She huffed and went back to organizing the inside of her bag.

"Do what?" Hee-Young asked. Ki didn't look up from placing each item in with care. She huffed as her hair fell into her face. I continued to watch.

"Be like that." She stated. "Always bothering each other. I liked it when you were quiet," she said while looking up at me and then turned to Hee-Young, "and when you were less annoying. But now after you two became the best frenemies, its either plotting destruction together or whose better contests." She huffed.

"Its not a contest." I declared and wagged my finger. "I'm better in every way, no challenge." I said smirking as I casted my eyes down to Hee-Young. She glared and rolled her eyes.

"Dont be like that Unni," Hee-Young said to Ki. "You want us this way, who else is going to fulfill our group?" She asked.

"People with talent," a new voice said. We all snapped up to Ja-Eui walking in and plopping herself down on Ki's bed. Ki huffed and decided to just throw her bag on the floor.

"Fine, I'll just do it later." She huffed. She dropped herself next to Ja-Eui.

"Oh, Mi-Ok wanted me to tell you guys the schedule for the next couple of weeks. " Ja-Eui said as she held her phone in front of her face. Her hair was wet and she was dressed in slacks. She paused.

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