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I watch as Claire looks inside a shop window. She is studying something, what, I don't know. I join for a few moments before my brother-in-law Frank joins us. Even though this was to be their honeymoon Claire would not let me out of her sight. Not since I had a traumatic episode about a week ago. I try and give them alone time since it is their honeymoon. I don't wake them up if they are late for breakfast nor do I follow them everywhere they go. I mostly stay in the sitting area of the hotel or my room like I am now.

Claire knocks on my door before entering, "Hey, Frank and I are going to watch some locals at the Craigh na Dun. You should join us."

"No Claire," I sternly reply, "This is to be your second honeymoon and I don't want to be more of a trouble than I already am."

She lets out a sigh. I can see how frustrated she is with me, "See you in the morning then."

I return to my book that focuses on the Culloden battle and the events that lead up to it. I read for another hour before turning in for the night. A night filled with tossing and turning and just praying for some sleep. I never hear them enter that night and think nothing of it as by noon the next day Frank was up and off to who knows where and my sister came down the stairs looking for some food.

"Morning," she greets.

"You mean afternoon," I giggle at her confused face.

"You should have come with us last night," she starts in, "We couldn't see their faces but it was beautiful to watch," she drops to a whisper, "It was beautiful to watch all the dancing and the lights they held."

"I'm glad you had fun."

"We're going back there today," Claire declares, "You're not going to just sit here all day."

I try to argue that I was happy but Claire knew better. She was dressed in a light white dress and had a shawl due to the cooler weather. I have on a long skirt and a three-quartered sleeved top. When we arrive I'm in aw at the sight of Craigh na Dun. With all the stones standing strong like they are guarding a secret. I can't imagine how it looked last night with the stars shining down. I watch as Claire moves around the stones almost like she is drawn to them. I notice a pattern at the bottom of one of the stones but can't tell what it means.

"Claire, do you have any idea what this means?"

She looks over my shoulder, "No, I have never seen these markings before."

I follow her around the stones and back to the center stone. The wind starts to blow, almost like a warning, or is it an invitation. A feeling of caution makes me grab onto Claire shoulders as she places both of her hands onto the stones surface. I'm suddenly thrusted into blackness. I don't know for how long but in the end Claire and I find ourselves laying on the forest floor. Not to quickly we split up as bullets whiz past our head.

Hello note form the Author. I only take credit for my added characters and plot changes. Outlander belongs to the author, show writers and producers.  Hope you enjoy.

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