Chapter 19

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The whole class was silent, and the air was eerily still.

Ye Cheng turned his head and looked at Lu Xiao with a frown.

As the grade director, when has Zhu Yufen been treated with such a tone, not to mention that the other party is still a student.

Immediately, she couldn't hold back her face. She looked at him and said, "Your name is Lu Xiao, right? It seems that Lao Xu asked me to focus on you for no reason."

She used to talk with a gun and a stick. A little student may not be able to bear it.

However, Lu Xiao did not belong to the category of thin skin.

He laughed and said, "What do you care about me? Are you handsome?"

The people below didn't hold back, and laughed out loud.

Zhu Yufen's face was even more ugly, she glanced around angrily, and said sternly: "Is it funny? Anyone who laughs again will stand outside for me!"

Only then did everyone realize the seriousness of the matter, and they all lowered their heads and kept silent . .

Taking advantage of Zhu Yufen not paying attention, Ye Cheng touched Lu Xiao with his hand, signaling him not to go too far, and then explained, "Teacher, I'm too tall, sitting in front will block other people."

This is the most appropriate . reason.

Lu Xiao didn't respond to his suggestion, didn't evade Zhu Yufen's gaze, and still stared straight at her.

Seeing his unconvinced look, Zhu Yufen laughed angrily: "Why is it so difficult for me to change positions, there are so many excuses."

Hearing her talking to Ye Cheng like this, Lu Xiao's expression changed immediately. .

"It's better that you two don't get caught by me when you talk small, or I will definitely transfer you away." She had an expression of "what are you pretending to be, I don't know".

Lu Xiao moved, Ye Cheng reflexively wanted to stop him, but he was still a step too late.

"Teacher, what is small talk? Does raising your hand count?" He asked innocently.

Ye Cheng took a deep breath and saw Zhu Yufen's hair curled up in anger.

"Try to speak up again! I think your class is going to be turned upside down!" Zhu Yufen slapped them and made them stand for ten minutes before falling down, "All the class committees for morning exercise stay here for the meeting. ', and left in a huff.

As soon as she left, Ye Cheng said, "Why are you messing with her, what's wrong?"

He really sweated just now, after all, Zhu Yufen is not Xu Chao, and Lu Xiao is not a soft persimmon that she can handle. There was a hint of reproach in his tone.

Lu Xiao turned his head and faced out the window, as if sulking.

Jiang Jin said cautiously: "Brother Xiao was looking forward to coming to school last night. He saved up a few grammar questions and said that he would ask you when he was doing self-study early. He also said that it would be nice to be at the same table with you. "

I didn't say it." Lu Xiao immediately denied it.

Ye Cheng seemed to understand something, this guy was so rushing just now, could it be that he just didn't want to change seats...

He looked at the back of Lu Xiao's head, stretched out his hand and said, "What is the grammar problem? Let me see."

"Have you said that ? , are you annoying."

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