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So fun fact, if you've read room 234's virgin you know i didn't like Taylor Swift. However I absolutely love her now lol. I'll explain why some other time in future but here''s a new chapter


Song: Taylor Swift - End Game

"My impulsive tendencies have no place in my life as a legitimate businessman." -Chuck Bass, Gossip Girl. 


"Did you hear?"


"Helix was caught cheating," A light feminine voice says.

I pause what I'm about to say as the conversation of two females flow to us.

"I knew it. No way in hell he was acing an architecture and Engineering major at the same time while sleeping around," A deep feminine voice replies.

"I know right? I always suspected, but never wanted to say it," The lighter voice says as it sounds closer. I look at Helix with concern, however he has a look of disinterest as if they were talking about someone else.

"Be honest, you just wanted to get in his pants," The deeper voice says as I glance down the hallway and watch the two females' approach.

"Didn't you? Who wouldn't want to have even if it's a one-night stand with the heir to Xander corps?" She says and gasps loudly, halting her steps as she notices Helix and I. The other girl beside her also has a look of shock and guilt written on her face.

"I'm sorry," The one with the deeper voice says and they both turn around hurriedly leaving the hallway.

Assumptions, a powerful thing. It could make or ruin lives. Sometimes right, but mostly wrong. Why didn't anyone ask him why? Because they just assumed he did it since they saw him with the paper? Not completely. It was actually due to their preconceived notions and their bias towards him. Because he was known as a guy who did not take relationships seriously and had multiple partners. Due to his wealth they refused to believe he was truly intelligent and instead found it easier to believe he was cheating. They didn't ask because this was proof that supported their inner thoughts. Therefore, they held tight onto this situation and refused to believe otherwise as this was a means to sooth their own feeling of inadequacy.

I let out a deep sigh, realizing even if he said he didn't do it. They would never believe him. Neither would Pete stating the truth. They'd chosen to crucify him and anything contradicting their affirmation would only further convince them he did it and was using ulterior ways to cover it up. What was wrong with people? What sort of person decides to judge another so harshly without even getting to know the real them or explain themselves? I pause.

You, you're also doing the same thing Hestia. You believed he was a bully and was good for nothing simply because he did not believe in monogamy in terms of sexual partners. You believed Steven not because you know Steven more than him, but because it was easier. It was easier to believe he was a bully because it gave credence to your fear of your feelings towards him. His being a bully helped you feel better about thinking he was a horrible person and so you were not wrong for being angry and jealous seeing him with another girl. Because it was easier to call him the bad person than to admit to myself that I wanted more from him and might never get it. What a hypocritical fool. I smile wryly.

Helix starts walking away, bringing me back form my thoughts.

I hurry over and grab his hand.

"Are you okay?" I ask as he turns around and glances down at my hand on his.

"I'm not going to tell the professor I didn't do it Hestia; you can forget that idea,"

I wasn't a fool; I knew the professor wouldn't believe him either. He was convinced Helix did it and denying it now would seem like he was making excuses.

"I didn't mean that, I meant are you okay? You were just falsely accused and not given the chance to defend yourself. I'm asking if you are okay,"

He smiles.

"Like I said, I'm okay," He replies and walks away while I stand rooted watching his retreating back. I didn't understand Helix.

"Helix wait," I say and hurry up to him. He halts and glances at me.

"What? Feeling bad about what you said and suddenly want to hook up with the heir to Xander corp?" he says snidely.

He was mad, meaning he was not okay.

"I told you this before, it's okay to not be okay. However, it's wrong to cloud your pain by trying to hurt someone else who's trying to support you," I say realizing the transference was also a means of protecting himself. 

"I'm sorry," he says and exhales shutting and opening his eyes. "Look, I shouldn't have said that. I'm truly sorry," he says looking genuinely sorry and throwing me off. Somehow, I didn't expect that. I expected the opposite...another assumption of the worst from him.

"I'm also sorry," I say to which he has on a confused look.

"I've been assuming a lot about you, instead of asking you and getting to know you. That's my fault. I promise, it won't be easy but from now on. I'll try to know you, the real you,"

He scoffs.

"I thought you wanted nothing to do with me?"

"I still don't want to be in an open relationship with you, but I do want to know you. The real you. If you'd let me. I would like to know you as a friend Helix, for real this time," I say determined.

"Suite yourself," he says and walks away. 


Aww look at Hestia being all mature lol


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