7. Eve

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"We're not servants to our emotions. We can control them, suppress them, stomp them out like bugs." - Blair Waldorf Gossip Girl

Hot N Cold - Katy Perry


"So we've never met huh?" I hear Helix say. My hand pauses, but I don't look back as I grab the soap filled sponge and start scrubbing.

"Not even naked?" He asks.

"Helix!" I exclaim  finally turning and flinging the sponge at him. He catches the sponge swiftly and grins. "I don't get it, why do you have to lie? I mean, shouldn't Christians be against lies?"

"Hence why I need to stay away from you," I reply.

"Stay away from me? You sound like I'm the devil," he says.

"More like a snake," I say to which he chuckles, and quips. "You'd better watch your back then, Eve," Winking, he throws the sponge back at me, and I surprisingly catch it as he turns around and walks out.  

          Once done, I step outside, and notice Helix seated on the bench with concentration as he types on his phone. I walk over to his side to grab my bag when a dog bark reaches my ears and I still. I turn and notice a dog running toward us and quickly grab onto his shirt.

He raises his head at glares at me with ice cold eyes that almost make me withdraw my hands, but my fear of dogs override the coldness of his eyes and I ignore it as I notice the dog getting closer. I quickly jump over the bench and stay behind him still holding onto his shirt..

"Dude the fuck?" He says as my fingers dig into his arms. "Didn't you say you needed to stay away from me?" he says and I don't answer.

"Let go of my shirt," he says attempting to remove my hands from his shirt but I pretend I don't hear him and hold on tighter. The dog comes closer. I look around and wonder whether I could jump on the tree close by in time.

"You can either let me go or I set the dog on you. Your choice," he says.

"You wouldn't," I say thinking we had at least built some sort of relationship today. 

He turns and gives me a dead cold stare as if daring him. That look, I recognized it. I immediately let go.

 Beating myself up for having thought I could depend on him for help, instead of running into the stable. Hestia you should know better. You can only trust yourself.

I hear a whistle and the dog runs towards a man further to our left.

"Helix, I apologize. I had no idea Sirius sneaked back here," The man says as he picks up the dog.

"You must be Hestia, I heard you're scared of dogs? I'm sorry, Sirius sneaked out when I wasn't looking," he explains.

I step out from behind Helix and smile, "It's cool, thank you! At least you helped," I say and turn around walking away. I keep walking unsure where I'm headed. Simply knowing I needed to be away from Helix.

I hated reflex actions, they made me reveal vulnerable sides, sides I kept hidden, sides I tried to block. I hated it, especially when after showing it I was buffed the way Helix did. I should leave. I turn around and pause. Where am I the place was filled with trees and looked unfamiliar. I keep walking back but keep seeing more trees. I take out my phone and realize I did not have their phone numbers to worsen the case, my phone had no signal. 

My pointer finger picks at my thumb nail. Don't fret, it's okay. It's private property not an island. You should be able to find your way back. Determined I start walking. After walking for a couple of minutes I hear the sound of water and walk towards it to the sight of a stream. Sighing I sit down to rest for a bit and watch the river flow finding it oddly calming. Laying with my back to the ground, I shut my eyes.

I quickly fall asleep till the sound of a dog backing causes me to jump up. I notice Helix seated atop Odin staring at me.

"What are you looking at?" I ask.

"What do you think?" He asks causing me to roll my eyes.

"So are you going to sit there all day or are we going to head back sometime in the nearest future? Just wondering," he asks as my phone vibrates shocking me. 

Wait, why was there suddenly signal? I look at it and notice it's a call from my sister Blair. Sliding answer, I pick up. However, I'm shocked to hear muffled sobs.

"Blair? What's wrong?" I say sitting straight my entire body enveloped with fear.

"Hestia, save me," she pleads.



Lol was shocked by the number of people who had a fear of dogs, glad I ain't alone! 

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