11. Denials

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"I like the way I feel when he looks at me. Like I wanna believe in myself."-Serena Van Der Woodsen

Bad Liar - Selena Gomez


"I want you to make a group of 5 or 6 for this project. Once you've joined a group you can meet here or feel free to leave the class and meet elsewhere, as long as you meet and discuss what you plan to do for this project, so choose a topic, a hypothesis and have a predicted result. I need these by the end of the week," My General Ecology Professor Dr Greives says.

I glance around wondering what team to join. I disliked team projects. You were either lucky or unlucky with groups.

"Hey Hestia, do you want to join us?" I hear a familiar voice call out. Turning I see Sophie seated at a comer by the window. Sophie was my roommate from freshman year. I hadn't realized she was also in this class, Smiling, I quickly pack my stuff and head over to her table, thankful to see someone familiar.

"Hi," I say to the table filled with four other people including Sophie. "This is Hestia, she was my roommate in Freshman year," Sophie explains.

"Hi!" I greet the other three students smiling.

"Hi! I'm Evan," A cute boy with round glasses and short black hair says.

"Hi," I reply.

"Emma," A pretty girl with freckles and long wavy blonde hair says.

"Nice to meet you," I say smiling.

"Kravitz," The last guy a brunette says.

"His name is Lenny, but we call him Kravitz," Sophie explains.

"Ah," I say nodding in understanding. Lenny Kravitz, the singer. I wondered what he'd think about a brunette being named after him.

"So where do you guys want to go?" Sophie says looking around. I stay silent, I didn't really have an opinion as I was okay anywhere.

"I'm hungry, do you guys wanna go to blaze?" Evan asks. Blaze was a Pizza place right across the street from campus and a hot spot for students. I had never been, but I'd heard of it.

"Sounds good," Kravitz says

"Yah I'm cool with that," Emma says.

"Hestia?" Sophie asks looking at me. "Sure," I say to which Sophie nods. " I'm good too!" She says.

"Can I join your group?" A girl says walking up behind us.

"Sure..."I start, however Sophie grabs onto my hand her nails digging in as she says, "We're full,"

I glance at her confused. We still needed one person. The girl gives us a nasty look before walking away.

"Hey, we still need one person," I whisper to Sophie who either didn't see the look from the girl or chose to ignore it.

"Texting them," she says in response. "Let's go," she says getting up and grabbing her bag. We all grab our bags and head out. On our way Sophie tells me about this new guy she was into. Once we step into Blaze I notice her look around. 

"There he is!" She exclaims and pulls me over to a table, the rest of the groups follows behind. Once we get closer I notice a guy seated with his back to us and a cap over his head. He had a hand rested on the back of a chair by his side as he leaned against the chair glancing at his phone.

Once we get close, she wraps her arms around his neck placing her head next to him.

"Hey you!" Sophie says. I look on wondering if this was her boyfriend. Turning around I freeze realizing the face was that of Helix with a smile on his face. He notices me and the smile turns into a grin.

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