25. A tale

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"One thing about being on the top of the world? It gives you a long, long way to fall." - Gossip Girl

Song: Only Fools -Glades


Helix!" I exclaim in reprimand, but he simply shrugs and walks away. Shaking my head, I slide answer.

"Hey Steven,"

"Hey you! What are you up to?" Steven asks.

"Nothing much just got out of a class," I reply excluding the Helix aspect knowing fully well his feelings towards him.

"Was that your last one?" He asks to which I nod getting up. "Yup, was about to head back to my dorm,"

"Wanna hang out with me instead?"

"With you? Sure, we haven't really hung out outside of work," I say pleased he was wanting to rekindle the friendship.

"Exactly, we have a bunch to talk about," He says to which I nod. "Where are you on campus, I'm close by and can come grab you," He says. I give him the name of the building and take the elevator down. I then head towards the exit once I get to the ground floor but pause. Two figures with their back to me were intertwined in a steamy kiss moving towards the stairwell. The back of the guy looked like Helix. But he'd left right?

I start walking again and push the exit door open then pause. What if it's Helix? My heart skips a beat. What if it is? He was not my boyfriend.

"Helix is like a stinging nettle, Nettles make an excellent spinach substitute, Nettle beer tastes great ,but gets you drunk on it without your knowing. Its root can be used for medicinal purposes and its leaves used for tea is an excellent source of iron. However, it is also poisonous. if you touch it, you will be stung except you dry and cook it you won't get the best benefits and would be left hurt. That's Helix," Jens words come to mind."He is extremely hot, rich and smart. However, Helix doesn't date, he flirts but he never ever commits. Like EVER,"

Yet...I turn around and head towards the stairwell needing to be sure.

As I push open the door, I am met with the sight of two people deeply kissing.

"Helix!" The girl screams realizing I was there. Helix turns and our eyes meet. It really was him.

"Hestia?" He asks looking surprised.

A wave of pain washes through me. I feel clogged as if I stay there a minute longer I might cry or react in a way that I'd regret, hence I quickly turn around and walk away with the door shutting behind me.

He never told me we were dating, neither did he promise not to kiss anyone else. Yet it hurt, why? Because I had expected more, because I had hoped for more, when I clearly knew I shouldn't. Now I had been slapped in the face with the reality and didn't know what to do.

"I'm so sorry," I say turning around and hurrying out and running towards the exit. I never wanted this. I felt hurt, betrayed and it hurt because I knew I shouldn't, he never promised me anything and simply kissed me.

Once out, I walk fast with no destination in mind, refusing to cry.

"Hestia!" I hear what sounds like Helix call out. My steps pick up as I ignore him not wanting to face him fearing I'd break down.

"Do you know where you are going?" He asks. I didn't but wasn't about to tell him that. I keep walking.

"You can't possibly be angry because we shared a kiss?" He says in an almost mocking tone that stops me. I turn my shame overtaken by anger.

"Hestia I never promised you anything," he says almost accusatorially.

"I never asked you to," I reply.

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