26. Break up?

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"I'm not a stop along the way. I'm a destination." - Blair Waldorf, Gossip Girl 

Song: Breath by Blue Cantrell ft Sean Paul 


We both stay silent as I stare at him in disbelief.

"You're kidding?" I finally ask.

"I wish I was," he replies causing me to be speechless. Helix, the Helix I knew was once a bully? Wait, I scoff internally. You don't know him Hestia, kissing a guy once doesn't mean you know him. Just because he helped you a couple of times doesn't mean you know him. Clearly you don't, I reprimand myself.

I always knew he disliked Helix, but I never thought this was why. Has Helix ever shown any signs he might be a bully? I wonder,  I've never seen him bully anyone...I pause as I remember his little jests here and there especially on Steven. Could it really be true? Steven has no reason to lie to me, plus I'd known him longer than Helix.

"I'm sorry," I say.

"For what? It's not your fault," Steven replies, a smile on his face. I don't know how he did it, I couldn't imagine working with someone I knew bullied my family member.

"Did you report him?" I ask to which he nods. "We did, or rather I did and learnt the hard way what it meant to cross someone like Helix," he says.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"He didn't get punished, instead my cousin got expelled for lying against Helix,"

"What?" I say in shock.

"It's amazing what money can do isn't it? It can even turn the innocent guilty," he says voice laced with anger and pain.

I raise my hands to place against his and pause taking back my hand.

"I'm truly sorry Steven, it's not your fault. You did the best you could," I say.

"Yes, but it led to my cousin getting expelled, so was it really worth it?"

"Look at it this way, your cousin got expelled but he stopped being bullied," I say.

"If only it was that simple," he says getting up. He walks over to the brink of the water, picks up some stones and starts throwing them into the water.

I stare at his back in silence before finally getting up and walking over. I pick up some stones and throw it into the water, so it skips. "Helix, you jerk! I hate you!" I scream as the stones skip in the water.

"Now this is how you throw stones," I say turning to smile at Steven, he breaks into a grin and attempts throwing a stone into the water, but it doesn't skip.

"It's because you didn't curse Helix, you need to curse him for it to be potent," I say to which he chuckles and tries again while shouting," Helix you bastard!"

"That's the spirit!" I say chuckling. I throw in another stone.

"Helix, you player!" I yell as the stone skips in the water.

"Helix, you bully, go to hell," Steven yells throwing in another stone.

"Go to hell!" I echo throwing in another one after which we both glance at each to her and burst out in laughter.

"Thank you," We both say at the same time and chuckle.

"I missed you Hestia Raymond," he says smiling.

"Me too Ritchie Rich," I reply to which we both giggle.

                 Later that night, upon returning to the dorm I notice Lisa isn't in. I walk to my room and attempt to take off my long sleeved top. Technically. all my tops were long sleeved. However this one was currently giving me issues pulling down the zip.

"Lisa could you help with my zipper?" I state upon hearing the sound of a door assuming Lisa had returned, as I struggle with my zipper. Seconds later I hear the door open.

"For some reason it's hard to zip it up," I say and place my hands to the side to allow her the freedom to wrestle with it. I feel her hands against my back.

"I wonder if it's cos I haven't worn it for a while?" I wonder as I feel the zipper drawn down and air hit my back causing me to smile in relief.

"Thank you," I state turning my head to the left coming face to face with...Helix.

Our eyes meet and stay frozen. My heart skips a beat. Taken aback by my heart's reaction, his appearance and our closeness I quickly take a step back.

"What are you doing here?" I ask perplexed and quickly use my left hand to grab both sides of my tape width. 

"You asked for help remember?" He replies.

"I asked for Lisa,"

"She's not here, but I am. A thank you should suffice," he says grinning. That grin, I hated it right now.

"I didn't ask for your help," I reply frown and refusing to indulge him.

"Are you still mad about this afternoon?" He asks.

"No Helix, I don't care about what happened or you. Could you please just get out of my room?" I ask irritated. After finding out about Jason being bullied I just didn't want to be anywhere near Helix. I pause, how did he even get in.

"How did you get in?"

"Lisa had me come pick up something for her,"He explains.

How convenient, I think to myself. "Can we talk?" He asks.

"We're talking," I reply coldly.

"No, you're mad and trying to kick me out,"

"Fine talk," I say reluctantly as I turn, head to my bed and take a seat.

"Hestia, I made it clear to you what my thoughts are on dating,"

"Okay," I reply lackadaisically.

"Eve..." He says.

"Helix," I say cutting him off. "if you want to sleep with the entire college be my guest, just don't expect me to delve into your lifestyle. It's not for me and it never will be," I reply.

"And what is?" He asks.

"Normalcy. I want one partner, a normal partner,"

One who doesn't bully the weak.  I think to myself, Steven's words still rich in my mind.

"One who loves me and vice versa. One who respects me and doesn't have other side pieces. I refuse to be that and if you can't accept that then that's the door," I say pointing to the door.

"Understood," he says with a determined tone and turns around walking out of the room. Leaving me mad that he didn't accept it and mad that I'd wanted him to. Get a hold of yourself Hestia Raymond, you can't date a bully. 


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lol it was quite interesting seeing your theories in the previous chapter on what might have happened lol. -A

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